Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #3
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Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #3

Event\Storyline: Flashpoint Writer: Rex Ogle Artist: Eduardo Francisco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 3, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
5.8Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

FLASH FACT: As the war between Amazons and Atlanteans rages on the battlefield around her, Traci must find the strength to stop her father before he rips the world asunder.

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 6, 2011

    World of Flashpoint was definitely a series that I enjoyed overall, simply because of the way it gave us a different look at the world and touched on the magic side. There were a lot of characters that had their nods given here and that helped to make it feel more connected to things while still forging its own path. Traci and her father are definitely in the thick of things multiple times since the war came to Europe and seeing them as a side story to it all, important as they are on the outside comes together pretty good here. It could have used a few more pages and some better dialogue at times, but it still left me pretty pleased overall. It won't be a memorable run, but it was the kind of slightly quirky book that stood out nicely in the scope of things. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Aug 9, 2011

    It's not a brilliant way to do it, it but it's at least clever enough to explain why one should want to read this story. Eduardo Francisco's artwork isn't bad, although a little slight in places, and while I'm not Brett Booth's biggest fan, I do think that he put out a really good cover for this finale. Overall, I liked this series, and I think it helped make the world of Flashpoint seem a little more real. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 3, 2011

    This issue does succeed in feeling more relevant than most tie-ins, as it unfolds amid the final battle in Flashpoint #4. But though this series has always managed to spotlight the various corners of the Flashpoint universe, it can't do enough to salvage its own plot threads at the end. Read Full Review

  • 1.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Aug 7, 2011

    For a whole issue of clichs, it's only appropriate I remark on it with an old one: this is the perfect example of how to not write a worthwhile comic. Read Full Review

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