Gotham Central #24

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Michael Lark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 13, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

Jim Corrigan's actions have put Crispus Allen on the chopping block and it's up to Renee Montoya to find the missing evidence and clear her friend's name! "Corrigan" part 2, continuing the "War Games" tie-in arc.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 15, 2004

    Michael Lark deserves full marks for his work on this issue's big action sequence, as the back alley brawl manages to capture the sheer brutality of the encounter, and the art also does some wonderful work on the quiet little scene where we see Montoya didn't escape the fight without getting a little banged up herself. However the highlight of the issue would have to be the scene where the detectives pay a visit to the old woman's room of super-villain collectibles, as the background details are a lot of fun when one takes the time to study the objects the she's assembled. The art also does some nice work when it comes to capturing the emotional states of the characters, from MacDonald's eruption when Montoya questions her about Corrigan, to Corrigan's dismissive manner when Montoya pays a visit to him in the cop bar. I do have to openly wonder about this issue's misleading cover image though. Read Full Review

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