The duplicitous Catwoman begins the greatest heist of her career, with Dick Grayson and Kara Gordon caught in her crossfire!
Kelly and Lanzing's story is opening up more as to what the world is about and I like the addition of Dick here as Nightwing to bring a bit of bravado and cockiness that's different from some of the more outgoing female characters so far, especially since he's trying his best to impress Kara. It has some interesting areas to go from here and I'm definitely still very on board with this title. Read Full Review
This series is obviously inspired heavily by elements of Bombshells, but while that one has an overall message of hope, this feels designed for a darker world. It's certainly exciting, but it's just not as compelling. Read Full Review
As the gangin the garage seeks to add to their ranks, I am hopeful we will be able to seeother variants of long-time DC characters. A few have been mentioned, andothers alluded to vaguely. But no doubt there will be a few surprises along theway. I look forward to that. Read Full Review
Overall, this was a fine issue. I didn't dislike it by any means, but after the last two powerhouse issues, this one just seemed a bit like a throw away story. Read Full Review