Green Lantern: Legacy #1
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Green Lantern: Legacy #1

Writer: Minh Le Artist: Andie Tong Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 15, 2020 Cover Price: $9.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
9.0Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

Twelve-year-old Tai Pham lives in the apartment above his grandmother's store, where his bedroom is crammed with sketchpads and comic books. But not even his most imaginative drawings could compare to the colorful adventure he's about to embark on.
When Tai inherits his grandmother's jade ring, he soon finds out it's more than it appears. Suddenly he's being inducted into a group of space cops known as the Green Lanterns. Meanwhile, his neighborhood is being overrun by some racist bullies, and every time he puts pen to paper, he's forced to realize that he might not be creative enough or strong enough to uphold the legacy of his ba.

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 22, 2020

    From the team of Minh Le and Andie Tong, Green Lantern: Legacy is a cosmic adventure that's equally grounded in a story about Asian-American identity, family legacy, and the ongoing clash between traditional culture and sweeping modernity. In many ways, it works as a modern-day counterpart to the brilliant Superman Smashes the Klan. Read Full Review

  • 10
    daspidaboy Jul 6, 2021

    As a Vietnamese person, I really liked this story. It has great art and a great protagonist and had moments that made me laugh. Dont mind the other reviewer, bottom line I like this story because it has a great plot twist and its a great introduction to the first Vietnamese superhero.

  • 1.0
    Maud Benjamin Jan 29, 2020

    I'm saying this as an Asian. The writer has no respect to the Green Lantern lore and clasic characters. He just uses the Green Lantern franchise as a shortcut to fulfill his self-insert. The story is not about Green Lantern. It doesn't have to be a Green Lantern story either. I hope the writer knows that replacing the classic character with your creation is not going to make fans happy. I hope DC knows how to manage and protect their franchises and characters. Because this book does more damage than contribution.
    John Stewart's mentor is not your grandma. It's Katma Tui, his love of life. Coast City's Green Lantern and Sinestro's archenemy is not your grandma. It's Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern.
    This story reads like a 1 more

  • 8.0
    andrepbruno Jul 12, 2022

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