Hawkman #26

Writer: Josh Siegal Artist: John Byrne Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 24, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Following the events of the "Black Reign" crossover, a pack of rabid vampires swarms the streets of St. Roch and wages a violent war against Hawkman! But what shocking connection does the winged hero share with their blood-sucking leader?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 4, 2004

    I didn't care much for the idea that Hawkman was battling vampires in this issue but I have to give Josh Siegal credit for his delivery of a pretty enjoyable adventure that manages to touch all the bases of what I consider to be a solid story, which becomes even more impressive when on considers this is a fill-in issue. I mean there's some enjoyable character moments from Hawkman's emotionally charged encounter with his former friend, to the equally impressive exchange that he has with Hawkgirl on the final page. I also rather enjoyed the way that the book jumped back and forth, as it takes a bit of skill to tell the story like this in a clear, understandable manner, and this issue is a shining example of how to do it right. Hawkman also manages to defeat the vampires in a rather unexpected manner that I must confess I didn't understand until it was explained, but after it was I was quite impressed by the amount of thought that went into this plot development, as it neatly ties into Ha Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 27, 2004

    The story in Hawkman is flawed. Mr. Siegal misses some easy outs and does not explain why they wouldn't work or were not taken. Alleged continuity annoys and subverts some of the power in these characters. The Byrne artwork illustrates a proportionate design to both Hawks. The characters' visual depth is further enhanced by Larry Stucker's crosshatch touches. The entirety of the artwork and direction generates excitement, which almost overwhelms the typical failings of post-Crisis DC books. Read Full Review

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