JLA #83

Writer: Joe Kelly Artist: Chris Cross Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 30, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3
2.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

President Luthor has Qurac on his hit list, and heaven help any hero who stands in the way! Now Superman finds himself in a living nightmare as his fellow Leaguers fall one by one to Lex's executive order: support the war or be "neutralized!"

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 7, 2003

    Looking up at the review I've just written I can see that I've displayed a little too much hostility, and while I don't want to sound like I'm backpedalling, or making an attempt to sit of both sides of the fence, I will say that in the end this is simply a comic book. I guess most of my displeasure with this issue is that one of the primary reasons I read comics is for escapist fun, and if there is one DC title that I believe should be all about entertaining its audience it's the JLA. I don't want to be preached at, or pandered to in my comics, and frankly Joe Kelly really needs to get down off his soap box. I like Joe Kelly, and I think that he's a highly talented writer, but lately he seems to be using the JLA as a forum to express his viewpoints, and he's delivering these idea in such a heavy-handed manner that even the ideas that I would agree with him on I'm finding extremely off-putting. The "it was all a dream" ending also did little to win my favor, as it's one of my least fav Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 3, 2003

    I've been defending JLA over at the SBC message boards for the better part of the summer, but now even I must admit that the recent issues have not been very good. In fact, no words can describe how angry I was when I finished this issue. Joe Kelly can't seem to write about anything but politics these days, and if I wanted that I'd go to CNN and Fox News. Someone needs to remind him that these are superheroes with outrageous powers and shouldn't be bogged down in political situations all the time. The poor writing and inconsistent art have me close to dropping the book even though the upcoming trials of J'onn J'onnz should be interesting. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 1, 2003

    Memo to the Justice League: Freedom Fries will no longer be served in the mess hall. Thank you. Read Full Review

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