Justice League of America #48

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 25, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
5.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The BRIGHTEST DAY continues with a shocking connection to the White Light in part five of the JLA/JSA crossover!It's the grand finale of this team-up, and it's chock-full of revelations as the greatest threat to the Earth may not be Alan Scott or the chaotic energy of the Starheart, but one of the other members!Plus, don't miss the second feature starring Cyborg, whose goal of restoring Red Tornado's body becomes a battle to save the android's sanity as the madness of the Starheart engulfs them.

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 27, 2010

    So a nice, if understated, ending to the Starheart threat, Jade as a reborn hero, a new League acting as a team, and a bunch of new and interesting plotlines hinted at. All in all this was a very good issue. Last review I praised Mark Bagley for his ability to keep up with the art chores on this compressed storyline. This issue was the first time it felt a little rushed ... rough in some places, sparse in others. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Aug 25, 2010

    I'm honestly a little glad that this Starheart storyline's finally wrapped up, because I've been enjoying the talents on this book, but I feel like they've been getting bogged down in an overly-busy continuity fixer. Nowthat all the t's have been crossed and all the i's have been dotted, so to speak, I'm eager to see what Robinson and Bagley have in store for us on this title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 27, 2010

    "Justice League of America" is still not in the marquis position it deserves, but it has been entertaining to say the least. Robinson has now put both the "Blackest Night" crossover and "JSA" team-up in his rearview mirror and has a set roster that he hand-picked. From here, it's on Robinson to decide if "Justice League of America" can be a strong book with a roster full of legacy heroes. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Scott Hunter Sep 1, 2010

    This storyline has been building up a five-part cover across the Justice League and Justice Society books, and this issue completes it. The entire thing shows a fight scene between the two Justice teams and a giant Alan Scott/Starheart, and this book features Supergirl in a giant hand, with Hourman and Congorilla also present. The entire scene looks fine but, despite being big, there's not much exciting about it, sort of like the actual content. This individual cover is simply the final part of that and, on its own, isn't particularly impressive either.Rather Forgettable Read Full Review

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