Legends of the Dark Knight #5

Writer: Darick Robertson Artist: Darick Robertson Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 28, 2021 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

BAD NIGHT, GOOD KNIGHT PART 5! WHO IS QUIZ!? The Riddler's new partner in Crime who wants to convince Batman to help her and the Riddler stop the chemical sale in Gotham from continuing. The enemy of my enemy is my friend...but never trust the Riddler.

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 4, 2021

    While I've enjoyed the series overall since it got underway, this installment just clicked in a way that I didn't expect with Robertson's presentation of the Riddler. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Matina Newsom Sep 21, 2021

    This issue of Legends of the Dark Knight wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable. It tackles an interesting mystery and pairs up two characters I love seeing interact: Batman and Martian Manhunter. The art is lovely, and just a lot of fun to enjoy as you read. If you want a nice one off mystery this is a good read to pick up. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Donald Townsend Sep 30, 2021

    This story seems to be told with a pretty specific group of people in mind, and while I can appreciate that for what it is, this just isn't my personal cup of tea. This feels more like a slightly modernized episode of Super Friends than the tales we are now accustomed to, of the feeling of a lasting impact, which unfortunately can make this issue seem forgettable. Read Full Review

  • 9.5

    While Quiz isn't the most creative new character I've seen she's more original and interesting than anything Tynion's cooked up over the last year. It's also good to see Riddler done in his original style, and no sideburns or any of that New 52 crappy look. Though I don't get the ? sweater. It did kind of remind me of Frank Gorshin's Riddler though.
    I enjoy this series because it reminds me a lot of the original LOTDK series. It was also nice to be spared any puking characters for a change.
    If you want the down to Earth Batman we remember, with Alfred and Commissioner Gordon still there to help him out then this is a book you shouldn't miss. It really helps escape the flimsy hodgepodge Tynion's unleashed and proves there are some more

  • 9.0
    retcon_D Apr 30, 2021

  • 8.5
    tonpas1989 May 9, 2021

  • 8.0
    UxasIs May 1, 2021

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