The team must decide how to stop their future from being destroyed by their actions in the present, as the deadly battle with the Metamerican rages on!
If this type of quality continues, I don't want this Legion ever to get home! Read Full Review
So right now these characters are lost in time, hiding motivations and missions from each other, and now separated. It looks like things are going to get better before they get worse. Of all the DCnU titles I have bought which changed themes and teams early on, this one has made the easiest transition. While I miss the rotating narrator motif that Nicieza brought to the book, these internal mysteries and 'lost' plotlines have piqued my interest. Now you can't keep all the secrets secret too long or it becomes tedious. But for now I just wonder which one of these hidden back stories is true ... maybe more than one is. I almost feel like the team needs to come together and everyone needs to come clean. Read Full Review