Legion of Super-Heroes #2

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Francis Portela Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 19, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Taken hostage on a hostile world, the Espionage Squad is outmatched by a rebel leader that only one Legionnaire could possibly stand against but Legion leader Mon-El may be outgunned as well! And just what does Brainiac 5 see in Glorith's magic that could be a game changer for the Legion?

  • 8.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 25, 2011

    Just when it looks like Res-Vir is going to be captured and his plot ended, his 'friends' arrive in the form of a starfleet. Nice cliffhanger. So much like last issue, this was a pretty good issue. Some nice small flourishes and some plot progression and some character missteps. Still, this felt like a Legion book and that is good. Levitz always has been able to manage a huge roster and this was no different. The Polar Boy moment while not 'necessary' was perfect characterization and adds depth. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Oct 26, 2011

    I don't have any real negatives here, aside from the prior story being dropped so quickly. This was a decent issue. It wasn't great, and I can't put my finger on why not, but it was good. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 20, 2011

    The Legion of Super-Heroes continues to have a shaky start with the relaunch because of its history and all the alterations to it over the years. Even with as much knowledge as I do have, it's not an easy read to put it all together, though it is slowly coming together with some references. The main storyline involving the watchworld is where things are working the best for me at this stage since we have a small, defined group working towards an objective and some decent action. The other storylines aren't bad but they're missing too many references if you came into the book with the first issue so they're interesting but aren't complete. I keep wanting to like this book more than I do, but I also know it's a series I'm addicted to and will be coming back month after month to get my fix as I get more of a handle on it. My only real hope now is that the prior incarnation pre-Flashpoint gets done up in digital form soon to help out the readers a bit more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 19, 2011

    DC was wise to keep Levitz on a Legion book. Though this series isn't as accessible or streamlined as it probably should be at this early stage, it's a well-written team book that ensures the 31st Century isn't forgotten in this relaunch. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 20, 2011

    "Legion of Super-Heroes" #2 is a fun comic, if certainly middle of the road, but I do wonder if it's truly new-reader friendly. It's definitely much more so than the previous issue, but with character moments carrying over from the previous series, plus such a large cast, it still might be daunting. (I suspect the references to the Flashpoint blocking them from the 21st century might grab a couple of readers' interest, though.) If there's a title that will almost certainly move back to its pre-"Flashpoint" sales numbers, this is it. That said, I read the title before the re-launch, and I'll keep reading it if it works this well. So far, so good, but perhaps not enough to grow the numbers just yet. Read Full Review

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