New Suicide Squad #11

Writer: Sean Ryan Artist: Philippe Briones Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 12, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

An extremist offshoot of the League of Assassins has taken what was once a shadow war into broad daylight, attacking a crucial energy concern with a view to trading power for super-weapons of mass destruction. Its up to new recruits Deadshot, Boomerang and Manta to save the world without blowing their cover.

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Aug 14, 2015

    Finally this issue has moved into action. The story continues with Manta fully embedded and seemingly in full agreement with the League. I enjoyed bringing the rest of the Squad in and despite the failure in the mission it was still a solid strategy to use them to try to stop the League while allowing the principle members to remain under cover. Deadshot may have worked to stop the League but I do not know about Black Manta. We leave with a good cliffhanger Manta and Deadshot are still under cover and now the League has Boomerang, Parasite and Harley as their captives. What will Waller do now? Will she send anyone else in? I guess we will have to wait until next issue. Despite my high rating, I do believe that the Squad was taken out way too easily. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 12, 2015

    New Suicide Squad #11 was heavy on the action since the mission has been carried out. Not to sound like a broken record but this relaunch of the series is a step up when the fight sequences are a lot easier to follow than before. Suicide Squad before had the issue of too much going on at once and not knowing where to really turn your attention. This art team corrects this and for the better with the energy put into it. This was a decisive assault on the Corvus facility that showed why this League is a threat to be taken out. Their way of life is a threat itself, though your views change completely when you see all the weapons and tools they have at their disposal that would make any single villain dangerous. What stood out here was the affect of the fear toxin which created different reactions from people. If Harley was dangerous before, it was fun to see her let loose when under that kind of influence. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 12, 2015

    I am really enjoying the Suicide Squad and while it's not a perfect book, Sean Ryan is hitting all the right notes with the team and their mission.  he has the reader guessing who is good and bad and that extends to the leadership as well as the Squad itself.  This issue ups the action and while the art is middle of the road, it doesn't spoil the fun.  If you have been looking to jump on this book, go back to the start of this arc and join in on the best Suicide Squad story since the book added the "New" to the title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicsverse - Bri D'Anton Aug 25, 2015

    NEW SUICIDE SQUAD might not have the best art, but the characters are on point. They are continuously developing in fun and interesting ways so it is definitely worth coming back for another installment! Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Aug 15, 2015

    Sean Ryan's New Suicide Squad is nothing but cheap storytelling that lacks logic and intelligence. I know many of you love Harley, or are interested in this title due to the film, but I beg you not to pick up this title until a new writer comes on board. Seriously" do everyone a favor. Skip it. Read Full Review

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