Outsiders #1
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Outsiders #1

Writer: Judd Winnick Artist: Tom Raney Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 18, 2003 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

What do you get when a barrel of fierce monkey warriors attack Manhattan? Complete mayhem, unless Nightwing and Arsenal can form an all-new team of heroes to combat the simian menace.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 30, 2003

    A pretty solid first issue that stands up as some of Judd Winick's strongest work yet. I really like the fact that this team was brought together so quickly, as while there's something to be said for taking things slow, and building a team dynamic before throwing the group on it's first mission, I have to say the old school comic fan in me rather enjoyed the full speed ahead approach that was taken on this book. From a sheer entertainment standpoint, it should be a lot of fun to see how this group performs in a heated conflict, against a pretty formidable opponent. I also have to credit Judd Winick for the introduction of Grace who looks like character who's likely to emerge as a favorite of mine, as she manages to overcome her rather run-of-the-mill power by displaying a highly engaging personality. In fact there's no real weak links in this cast, and with Jade coming on board next month, it looks like I've found yet another title I'll be adding to my ever growing pile of books. Some Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jun 20, 2003

    The Outsiders get a masterful start in a lighthearted, old-fashion superhero team, simply in existence to take on the villains of this world. Winick's third-person narrative is perfect for the feel, along with Raney's storytelling. In a week when comics haven't been this good in a long time, this is certainly one of the better books. Definitely worth a shot---if you can still can your hands on it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Jun 24, 2003

    I love team comics, but there are so many these days a newcomer must seek to differentiate itself in a fairly dramatic way. While The Power Company lacked something in its execution the concept was fairly novel and they were set in San Francisco, a great place to live. But the Outsiders seem content to play in the same old DC sandbox and they're even located in New York, a setting that is no stranger to super teams. Winick borrows ideas that were clichs a decade ago (and that's being generous). His characterizations are pretty flat and there is nothing here that really inspires me to pick up issue two. However, like any television show, the first season is always a bit rocky. Even the Power Company was getting itself righted before the plug was yanked. This creative team is far too experienced to phone it in and I expect great things in the coming months. So, yeah, I'm critical of the Outsiders today, but let's judge what's happening six months from now. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Jun 23, 2003

    First up you think they might start off easy. Well your wrong Gorilla Grodd sails into town with an army of armed Gorillas. So Nightwing will have to suck it up and bring this team together. The book is drawn a little dark reflecting the heroes and their attitudes. If handled right this comic will be a must have on many readers lists. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Page45 Jul 8, 2003

    But the man who gave us PEDRO & ME and the ADVENTURES OF BARRY WEEN really should get out of the superhero game and return to what he does best, which is anything other than this. Read Full Review

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