Outsiders #2

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Tom Raney Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 23, 2003 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The Gorilla Fighters bust up New York as their battle with the Outsiders continues, and the madman behind it all is revealed.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 25, 2003

    Face it, sports fan, this is how it's done. This is one of those comics where you have to count the pages to make sure the DC execs didn't make an error. There're no gimmicks to be found, and although it's a quarter more than some of the $2.25 titles, I'd pay a LOT more than that for it (but let that be our little secret, ok?) These are comic book heroes at their best, and Mr. Winick's status-quo is something I feel readers will cherish for a long time. Get this book before certain gorillas snatch it from you Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 1, 2003

    A fairly enjoyable issue that plays to all the strengths of a good old-fashioned slugfest, as we have a trio of big name villains, some fairly intense action to move things along, and most importantly the book takes the time to give all the members of the team some time in the spotlight. Given this is early in the game it's nice to see that in spite of the overwhelming nature of the threat, the material is still quite aware of the fact that the heroes need some exposure, as there's a trio of characters who are largely new creations, and this issue essentially hands over the most impressive heroic feat to two of the new kids, as how can one not walk away impressed by the scene where Thunder & Grace stop that jet fighter. This issue also makes wonderful use of Lex Luthor, who comes across as extraordinarily cool & collected under pressure, and I have to say that I was delighted with the scene where he's convinced he'll be saved. This issue also offers up a wonderful surprise finish that Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Jul 27, 2003

    This turned out to be a disappointing follow up to a decent opening chapter, and Im up in the air as to whether or not Ill buy the next installment. Being a big Nightwing fan I looked forward to this book with great anticipation. Unfortunately, that led to one of the biggest let downs of 2003. Buyer beware. Read Full Review

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