Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #28

Writer: Aaron Lopresti Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 11, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

“Casualties of War” part 1 of 1! The dragons of Sostratos were decimated in a battle between Amazons and humans. Now the sole survivor is taking his revenge on Diana!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 13, 2015

    Aaron Lopresti pretty much wins me over with this installment for his portrayal of the dragon and some of the historical side with the kind of look he gives it, but mostly just for the dragon visuals. There's some great color design here that brings the artwork out in a striking way and the end result is that there's a good sense of power and scale with the dragon and his kind, but also with the Amazons and the war they fought in the past. The story is straightforward and it works the title of the issue well in the whole casualties of war angle, but it's also a story that doesn't stand out in a truly distinct way. It's a solid story but in a series like this where a lot of the creators are bringing about some strong and distinct views of Diana, this one plays to the more traditional side. Which again, isn't bad, but against some of the other stories so far, it's a bit more average. Read Full Review

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