"Brainiac and The Legion of Super-Heroes" Part 2! Amidst Brainiac's assault on New Krypton, General Zod has brandished the Legion of Super-Heroes terrorists and imprisoned them! Superboy will do his best to free them, but he'll have to go through Supergirl first! That's right, it's the Super-battle of the sexes you've been waiting for! Poor Ma Kent is going to be so disappointed in them
I thought this was a very good issue pushing the plot of Last Stand forward but having Supergirl as the star and not one of a cast of many. The interactions with Mon-El, Superboy, and Alura showcased the character nicely. Gates has such a great handle on these characters. Their lines just seem so natural. Read Full Review
New Krypton is in grave danger, but its also in great hands artistically. Gates and Igle continue to steer Supergirl in the right direction. There has rarely been a better time to have followed Supermans exploits, but there never has been a better time to follow his younger cousins than now. Read Full Review
Still, not a bad comic. Better than most and a nice continuation of the crossover. Read Full Review