Superman #704

Writer: G. Willow Wilson Artist: Leandro Oliveira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 27, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
5.8Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

Writer G. Willow Wilson (AIR) and newcomer Leandro Oliveira provide a"Grounded" interlude, detailing a visit Lois Lane makes to the town where she went to college in anticipation of Superman's arrival. When she runs into an old boyfriend and sees the nice, normal family he has, Lois can't help but examine the choices she made and wonder if they were the correct ones.

  • 7.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Oct 28, 2010

    Because, like much of "Grounded", the issue is so light on plot, I won't worry too much about spoiling the details. In a nutshell, the story reunites Lois with an old college flame now married to a beautiful successful wife with two young kids. The family invites Lois over for dinner, and there we see Lois spill her doubts and fears out to the wife of her ex. There's some strong writing here taken outside the context of the Superman mythos, but any fan of Lois might find themselves asking whether this is the first successful family woman she's ever encountered in her travels. In the end, it all comes across as a prolonged excuse for a saccharine sweet moment between Lois and the Man of Steel, and a stall tactic for JMS and Eddy Barrows to catch up on their schedules. It's not necessarily bad, but not all that good, either. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - James Leask Nov 1, 2010

    All in all, however, I liked the issue. It was an initial shock to see an insecure Lois, considering the last time I recall seeing her was as she posted minute by minute updates from a warzone where three gods were fighting, but the issue felt like a tonal match with Grounded overall. I wouldnt want to see Lois constantly asking Superman if he needs her, but considering the events of the last few years and his near-constant absence, it was a question that could be considered appropriate just this once. This is the story of one really bad day, not the other 364 where Lois smacks around villains and lends Superman her strength when he needs it. I give Wilson credit for doing it in such a tactful and rewarding way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 2, 2010

    I hope I am not sounding like a boor. I hope I am not missing something elegant here. But this didn't seem like Lois. I am willing to say that she was having a bad day like we all do. But I hope this line of thinking in Lois doesn't continue. Leandro Oliveira seems to be a product of the Ed Benes' school of art. The facial expressions in particular look like Benes' work. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 27, 2010

    The sad thing is, I think I enjoyed this fill-in issue of "Superman" more than the ones by the regular creative team. Wilson's story felt a little less stereotypical and more interesting, and I like her take on superheroes in general. Hopefully this break will do "Superman" some good. Even with its problems, "Superman" #704 has inadvertently shown up its neighbors. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Jeff MazzucaShare this:FacebookStumbleUponDigg Oct 27, 2010

    Wilson tried too hard to show how Superman's journey is affecting those around him and gave us a less than stellar book about introspection. I can appreciate self reflection and it is an interesting idea to see how Superman's current walk about affects those around him. I don't feel as though the questions that Lois were asking herself were true to her character and just did not create the parallel between Superman and Lois Lane that Wilson meant to deliver. Read Full Review

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