Talon #8

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Miguel A Sepulveda Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 22, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Can the Talon escape the jaws of death? What will become of him if he doesnt? Find out in this story that leads directly into next months BIRDS OF PREY #21!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Jacob Torres May 23, 2013

    Tynion's writing continues to impress, surprise, and amaze me. His plot, pacing, and characters are the things you look for in a comic and what makes this series one of the best titles of the New 52. Between Talon and his two-part backup in Batman, he's one of my top writers to watch and I think he has a big future ahead of him. This was another incredible issue in a series that has consistently impressed me, with an ending that leaves me itching for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Ket's Comics - Michael Bowie May 29, 2013

    This may not be an action-packed slugfest, but it is that start of a very emotional journey for Calvin Rose. The rematch with Bane is certainly in the future and Batman is almost certain to make an even more substantial appearance in Calvin's story then he already has. But before we get to that, Calvin first has to make it through what's coming in the pages of Birds of Prey #21 and Talon #9. So, if you don't want to miss out on what's going on in the slightly less Bat-heavy corner of Gotham, you might want to pick this one up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills May 25, 2013

    I just don't like that Tynion killed Calvin. I realize the whole point behind Talons was that they were resurrected zombie warriors, but I thought the point of Calvin was that he was a flesh and blood renegade who escaped the Court. He was supposed to become his own hero. I really wanted to read the adventures of Calvin Rose, brand new superhero. But now he's a hideous, zombie monster. The series isn't even 10 issues old! I think Calvin working for the Court would be a neat story, but not like this. Not like this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers May 22, 2013

    This issue served as a great start to the second arc, and I dare say the Court has never been more interesting as it is in this book. When most books says "things will never be the same!" it's mostly bullshit, Talon joins the thin ranks of recent books to actually pull that off. If you were reading the series before, the art may throw you off a bit, but hey, I think it's perfectly fine for the most part, and things could be worse. If you haven't been reading this book before, I've got to really recommend you do, because it has been consistently entertaining and fresh from issue #0, and this second arc is a great jumping on point. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry May 23, 2013

    Talon #8 is a solid issue and one of today's most fulfilling reads. There aren't a whole lot of surprises or story progression beyond the resurrection, but the artwork is great and Tynion sets up a lot of really cool ideas that we'll all want to see play out in the newest arc. The stakes have definitely been raised in issue #8, but Calvin just got a lot more dangerous. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 22, 2013

    Unfortunately, this issue takes a detour rather than diving headlong into this conflict. The series is now entering into a brief crossover with Birds of Prey, and the transition into that material is awkward and unwelcome. Hopefully that will merely be a quick bump in the road before Tynion resumes more pressing matters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray May 24, 2013

    A crossover this early in a book's run usually suggests flagging sales, or a poor quality of writing. Talon is victim to neither of these maladies as a top 100 book, so we wonder if this mini-event is timed a little early. It robs the book of some of the momentum it has been otherwise convincingly building up, and this issue is a little awkward in trying to make the segue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill May 23, 2013

    So we dont get the Bane fight we want. We dont even really get a lead-in to the Birds of Prey and Talon fight (which will eventually become a team-up because, hey, its a comic!). Hes just getting his armor on one minute and watching Batgirl and her all-female team of Gotham City protectors. So yeah, this issue wasnt exactly the greatest. It just seemed like a get from point A to point B type of issue. Which is fine, for a filler issue, but makes me a little skeptical about the future of the title if this is going to be the format of every single issue. I have faith, though. After all, Tynion has proven himself as a good writer in the past. And the second issue of his solo run on Red Hood and the Outlaws was significantly better than his first. So heres hoping that issue nine of Talon is much, much better than this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Ryan Utterback May 31, 2013

    It is going to be controversial to Talon fans, and I am a bit skeptical myself. However, I will continue reading to see what lays in store and urge readers to do the same. Read Full Review

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