Teen Titans #21

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Mike McKone Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 16, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

"Lights Out" part 1, an IDENTITY CRISIS follow-up story. After discovering the truth about his past with the heroes of the DCU, Doctor Light schemes to take back his reputation.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 4, 2005

    I'm not sure how much longer Mike McKone is going to be on this book as his exclusive contract with Marvel was announced some time back, but I was quite pleased to open this month's issue and discover that he provided the art for this issue, as this is one of the more harrowing arcs to hit this book in quite some time, and the art effectively plays up the threat level that Doctor Light poses. In fact, given my entire exposure to the character has been as an amusing, bumbling fool, the art had to do a very convincing job of conveying the idea that this was no longer the case, as the one page splash where he steps before the camera wonderfully captures the character's recently recovered malevolence. The art also wonderfully provides some little details in the opening sequence as we get an outsider-looking-in tour of the Titans, as Mia embarks on his first weekend with the team. I also love the new means that are shown transporting her to the island. Read Full Review

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