The Teen Titans continue their desperate attempt to return home ten years in the past, where they've made a frightening decision about the future. But to protect this future, Batman, Superman and the other adult Titans are willing to sacrifice everything! "Titans Tomorrow" part 3.
As I mentioned in my above comments I wasn't overly impressed by this issue's big action sequence, as there's no real sense of flow to it, but rather it's chopped up into a series of little moments. However, there are some impressive visuals in this issue from the double-page shot to opens the action, to Tim's big moment where he manages to take down his future self after a fairly exciting clash. The art also does some solid work when it comes to the facial expressions of the cast, from Bart's look of concern when he's questions his future counterpart about his relationship with the Ravager, to Robin's surprise when Flamebird expresses her delight at the return of the more pleasant version of Robin from the past. The art also does some nice work on the final page surprise as we slowly learn who Superboy's mystery benefactor was. Before I go I want to say that while I'll be sad to see him leave this title, I do believe Mike McKone is going to be a great Fantastic Four artist. Read Full Review