The untold eerie mystery that brought about the first historic meeting between...a young Batman and a pup named Scooby-Doo!
This issue continues the series' streak of absolute charmers that are perfect for kids. I love this book so much. Read Full Review
This is definitely a lighter issue with younger characters, but it's another example of how no one knows old-school Hanna-Barbera continuity better than Fisch. Read Full Review
What did you think of this issue? Should the comics include more callbacks to previous iterations of Batman or Mystery Inc.? Drop a comment below. Read Full Review
Most issues of this series have been pretty stale. But this one was pretty fun. It's the only story I've ever seen to bridge the gap between regular Scooby and A pup named Scooby-Doo. I really figured they were likely different continuities since Scooby was in the '70s and Pup was the later '80s. It wouldn't be the first time Hanna-Barbera did it (The Flintstone kids never happened in the same reality as the original series, because Fred and Barney didn't meet Wilma and Betty till they were in their late teens or early 20s).
This issue was the best one in the whole series. I was thinking of stopping after this one, but this one was so good I'm actually now reconsidering.