Cam Lipham's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Batman-News Reviews: 77
7.2Avg. Review Rating

Batgirls (2021) #12

Nov 10, 2022

This issue, while probably not my favorite in the run, is really solid. It's a fun romp that I think most fans of these characters will enjoy.

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Batman (2016) #113

Sep 25, 2021

I'm so tired of being told about what's going on instead of seeing literally anything happen. This is incredibly boring, albeit flashy and pretty to look at, but I can't wait to move past it. I was really excited for Fear State as well, I'm disappointed.

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Batman: Dear Detective (2022) #1

Sep 6, 2022

This is a great showcase of cover art tied together in an interesting way. If you like Lee Bermejo, this is for you.

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Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #2

Nov 22, 2022

This series, and its game, are both two of my favorite recent pieces of Batman media. If we're going to continue to be assaulted with wave after wave of Bat-content, I hope we get more stuff like this in the future.

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Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #3

Dec 27, 2022

We're halfway through this series now, and things are starting to ramp up. I'm excited to see what comes next!

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Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #5

Feb 28, 2023

This has been a really solid mini. This issue stumbled a little bit with some awkward exposition, but there were enough intriguing reveals that I'm hooked for the finale!

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Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City (2022) #6

Mar 28, 2023

Like I said, I'm not sad to see this series go specifically, but it is a little bittersweet knowing that this is the end for theGotham Knightsuniverse (at least for now!). I hope we get to see this team work together again in the future, though.

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Batman: Off-World (2023) #1

Nov 23, 2023

I'm waiting to see what's in store, but I really have to say I'm disappointed.

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Batman: Off-World (2023) #2

Dec 20, 2023

This was definitely an improvement over last issue, let's keep that going!!

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Mr. Freeze #1

Nov 15, 2022

I hope the rest of this gaggle can keep the momentum going. I really enjoyed this story. Also writers, set more stories in this era. It's a lot of fun, and there's so much you can do.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 16, 2022

This book is bad. The whole "One Bad Day line seemed pointless in the first place, and I'm still honestly not even sure what the theme is. Is it Batman's bad days? Is it a showcase of these villains origins? Do we need it? The Riddler issue certainly seems to point to no.

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Batman: The Knight (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

Book good. Buy book.

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Batman: The Knight (2022) #2

Feb 15, 2022

This is the first Batman book that's had me genuinely excited in a long time. Go check it out!

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #15

May 10, 2022

As fun as some of these stories are, I don't really know how worth it the individual issues of Batman: Urban Legends are right now. You're essentially getting a fraction of multiple stories, and maybe a complete one-shot if you're lucky. It's a weird choice to make, to recommend this or not, but I think I might just say wait for the trade on this one.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #16

Jun 14, 2022

I'm still not really sure how I feel about the majority of this series (3/4 of this issue!!!) being multi-parters and backdoor pilots for other ideas. That's not to say that the stories are bad by any means, but something to keep in mind with this series is definitely the committment you need to put in to get a complete story.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #17

Jul 12, 2022

I've already said it in this interview, but this issue is my favorite so far. Go buy it. Extra Extra credit for being comprised exclusively of one-off stories that don't feel like backdoor pilots for anything. Just good, solid content.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #19

Sep 14, 2022

This is a REALLY solid issue. It sucks that you still have to buy the last one for full context, but honestly it's worth it.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20

Oct 11, 2022

This was a great issue. I continue to be surprised by what people put in these books, and I can't wait for more.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #21

Nov 8, 2022

I cannot express how sad I am that this series is ending in two issues. I think that seeing more anthology series like this (remember Wednesday Comics? I miss Wednesday Comics) for the grater DCU would be absolutely incredible, and a way to start trying out new series to combat the bat-fatigue a lot of fans are feeling right now.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #22

Dec 20, 2022

It's a fun little one shot that explores the topic of Batman's vigilantism in a way I haven't seen too often. I'm always glad to see Anarky get some proper love, as well.

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #23

Jan 10, 2023

I hope this series showed DC that anthologies can be fun, and I've said it before, but I hope that we see many more series like this in the future.

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Checkmate (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

This book is". fine? It's not a very explosive intro for sure, and I think it relies too heavily on the assumption that you will already be hooked. There wasn't a lot here to grab a first-time reader, and it really felt like Bendis just wanted to write more Event Leviathan. I hope it turns around, because I genuinely think this book could be amazing. But as of right now, I don't know if I can really recommend this book yet. Maybe give the series another issue or two.

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Checkmate (2021) #2

Jul 28, 2021

This issue was a massive leap in the right direction. Issue 1 had me a little worried this was going to be a slog to get through, but I'm genuinely enjoying myself at this point. I hope Bendis can keep this momentum going forward. This issue is definitely worth it if you've been intrigued since issue 1, but if you're still skeptical on the series as a whole, maybe give it another issue.

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Checkmate (2021) #3

Aug 24, 2021

This doesn't feel like a mini, it feels like the intro to a longer series. I honestly don't see how this is going to satisfyingly conclude in three more issues. Please prove me wrong, Brian Michael Bendis, who I know is reading this. I wrote this review specifically for you.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Mar 3, 2021

This is a decent enough start to what I hope will end up being a very good series. The book neglects most of the Syndicate to focus on Ultraman, but that time is spent developing a character that I like. His motives are understandable, but not in a sympathetic villain sort of way. I'm looking forward to where the Starro story is going, and VERY much looking forward to the Owlman plot. Hopefully the other members of the Syndicate get their times to shine soon.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

This is a significant improvement on the last issue overall. The characters are great, and all of them are actually present this time. Owlman is technically the main focus of this issue, but unlike Ultraman, it doesn't feel like he's hogging the page. Most importantly, I think the story is turning out to be fun. I came into this series hoping for a fun romp in a world where my favorite heroes were evil, and that's what I'm getting. I'm glad the book seems to be straying away from the dark and gritty side of things.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 5, 2021

This mini has been a lot better than I expected. It had a rocky start, sure, but it has been steadily increasing in quality since issue 1, and I'm excited to see where it goes. The tone is super goofy and campy without shying away from some darker source material, which is a nice surprise. It's easy for a book like this to slip into a grimdark gorefest that attempts to shock its readers at every turn, but this is just a fun ride I can easily recommend for any fan of the Crime Syndicate.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

This issue is what turned Crime Syndicate from a fun little Earth-3 romp into something that could potentially genuinely intrigue me. I recommend picking it up if you're interested in a story set on this Earth that's not tied down by its connection to the main Earth.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

This mini has been a wonderfully pleasant surprise. What I thought was going to just be a retelling of the Justice League's origin has taken on a life of its own has become an exciting glimpse into an Earth we haven't heard from in a while. I hope this series impacts the Suicide Squad book, that thing could use some content of this quality.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

I came for Evil Justice League Shenaniganery, and I walked out with a surprisingly good character study on what were previously the physical incarnations of a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain Justice League. Needless to say, I'm very pleasantly surprised.

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DC: Love Is A Battlefield (2021) #1

Feb 10, 2021

The writing was heartfelt, the art was expressive, and the characters felt like they got chances to actually explore their relationships. There was only one subpar story here, so if you're wondering about value I'd say it's absolutely worth your money, especially if you're into themed anthologies or holiday specials.

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Future State: Gotham #1

May 12, 2021

This is a fine book. It didn't excite me as much as I hoped it did, there was a lot of setup and not a lot of payoff (I know it's issue #1, but there's still such a thing as too much setup at once), and it really requires you to have read other Future State books before this.

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Future State: Gotham #2

Jun 8, 2021

This issue was a real spike in quality for me. The story finally found its footing, and it took off running. I'm actually excited to see what happens next, and I was not expecting that with the way this mini opened. The art was also far more appealing to me this time around, and I hope it sticks. The backup story is also fun, I really enjoy John Ridley writing Jace, and I like that the character is being fleshed out.

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Future State: Gotham #3

Jul 13, 2021

This book has had some ups and downs for sure. Last issue was such a creative breakaway, and I was hoping the momentum would carry over into this issue, but it looks like we're going to be stuck in setup hell for a while. I wish I could say I wasn't disappointed.

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Future State: Gotham #4

Aug 10, 2021

This issue didn't need to be what it was. At the very least, it wasn't made clear that it did.

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Jurassic League (2022) #1

May 10, 2022

I feel like a kid again, and that's wonderful. I want more stuff like this in the future. Absolutely buy this. I am overwhelmingly please to give this book

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Jurassic League (2022) #2

Jun 14, 2022

I was a little worried that the second issue of Jurassic League wouldn't be able to carry the momentum of the absolutely stellar first issue. I'm so incredibly happy to say that that fear was completely put to bed. Go buy this.

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Jurassic League (2022) #3

Jul 19, 2022

What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is my favorite book out from DC right now. Check it out.

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Jurassic League (2022) #5

Sep 14, 2022

This is hands down my favorite book DC has put out in a while. I absolutely love the Saturday morning cartoon vibes, especially the way that it doesn't just feel like a gimmick comic. I know we still have one issue to go, but I would absolutely love to see these characters again.

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Jurassic League (2022) #6

Oct 11, 2022

Phew, I made it. That was close. At least now, I can relax and breathe easy knowing that this series will now never end. I didn't say a single thing resembling a review, and my favorite DC book in recent years is gonna live forever, baby!

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Justice League (2018) #70

Dec 28, 2021

I really hope Ram V's Justice League Dark is sold as its own TPB so I don't have to buy this. This book is too expensive for what we're getting, and the creative team feels disjointed and hurried, even when there's a delay. Not a great sign for the foreseeable future.

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Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #1

Jan 11, 2022

I wanted this book to be a fun romp with the Legion and the Justice League, and that's what I got, at least for this issue. Let's hope Bendis doesn't pull aCheckmate.

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Justice Society of America (2022) #3

Mar 14, 2023

I really hope things can turn around soon. I was actually excited to see the JSA return and interact with the new DC universe in new and exciting ways, but it looks like Johns is gonna Johns, at least for a little bit. Still holding out hope, though!

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Justice Society of America (2022) #4

May 23, 2023

I cannot tell who this book is for other than Geoff Johns.

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Justice Society of America (2022) #5

Aug 1, 2023

Jerry Ordway kills it, as per usual, Mikel Janin is bland and only helped by Jordie Bellaire's incredible coloring, the usual.

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Justice Society of America (2022) #6

Sep 6, 2023

The issue falls flat of that original run, however, even with my ever-souring opinions of Johns' works. This isn't new ground, nothing original is happening. It's frankly quite boring.

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Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 3, 2021

I'm going to be honest, I wasn't expecting this book to be good. Fine? Yeah. Okay? Sure. But GOOD? I would have laughed in your face. I've never been happier to be wrong. This book is shaping up to be a fantastic arc for Kirk Langstrom, and manages to keep him compelling while still making you wary of the fact that he is half literal monster. I'm personally looking forward to the rest of this series.

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Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 3, 2021

This issue is full of action, intrigue, and cool monsters. That's all I needed to buy a book, honestly, and, even if that premise is kind of bland, the internal character stuff here more than makes up for it. Kirk has been on kind of a downward spiral for the past two issues, and things get a lot worse for him here. The B plot, which I didn't mention for spoiler's sake, seems like just another scoop on top of the ice cream sundae of trouble that's being forced down Kirk's throat. I'm all for putting the hero through strife, and I am very invested in where Kirk ends up at the end of this issue, but it would be nice to see things at least have a chance of getting better soon, especially since this is a 5-issue mini.

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Man-Bat (2021) #3

Apr 7, 2021

This is a good entry in the 5-issue arc for Man-Bat. Not great, but good. The story is kind of all over the place. The art, while still amazing, doesn't have the chance to shine here as much as it did previously. So much happens in this book that none of it really gets the chance to actually happen. It just gets shown to us and ends up kind of feeling like one big smorgasbord of "and then". It's a fine book, but I feel it pales in comparison to the previous issues.

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Man-Bat (2021) #4

May 5, 2021

This is my favorite issue I've had to review for Batman News so far. This book has been such a pleasant surprise. I know I've said this a lot, but it's true. Man-Bat is just plain good. This is quickly becoming my favorite comic at DC right now, and I'm heartbroken it's only going to last 6 issues.

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Man-Bat (2021) #5

Jun 1, 2021

It's a touching story about a man coming to terms with his self identity, and it still has time for kickass fights and goofy comic book nonsense. What more could you want? So, for the last time, I want to say BUY THIS BOOK. Show editorial we want more of this kind of thing. I want books like this flooding the shelves and, more importantly, draining my wallet. I will most definitely be picking this up when it comes to trade.

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Robins (2021) #1

Nov 18, 2021

I liked this issue. I'm excited to see where the rest of this series goes, even if I'm a little hesitant about the main plot. It's a really charming look into how the Robins act when Batman's not around (which happens to be my favorite type of story!) while still exploring their relationshipwiththe Bat. If this review or issue #1 has hooked you, issue #2 is up on DC Universe Infinite right now for subscribers!

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Robins (2021) #3

Feb 8, 2022

We lost JLQ and Super Pets for this.

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Robins (2021) #4

Feb 15, 2022

This is all territory that's been tread before in stories like Batman & Robin Eternal, and it was done better in those stories, purely because it managed to invest me in the characters involved.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 4, 2021

The story is good, if a bit short, and builds tension well for the upcoming run. The tone is very quickly set for the series as well: Thompson is not afraid to kill off characters, in fact he will actively be doing so. One can hope it won't become a total gorefest, but I am looking forward to seeing him play with the lives of our heroes, and hope he can keep us shocked and guessing. I think this has a lot of potential, and I'm really intrigued by the end of the book and seeing where that goes. I do wish we had a bit longer before getting to that ending though, the pacing is a little fast for my taste.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Apr 7, 2021

This book was fun! I really enjoyed seeing Conner in action again, though I will admit I'm a bit of a sucker for anything involving the Super-family. Waller's plans for the Justice Squad seem to be taking shape, but remain nebulous enough to keep me guessing, especially with her next planned target. Rick Flag was noticeably absent here, though, so I'd like to at least see more of him soon. Very enjoyable book, well worth the money if you're a fan of the Squad or Superboy!

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Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 5, 2021

This is the most fun issue yet. The action is awesome, the plot is gaining intrigue, and the characters are compelling. There are a lot of threads being dangled in front of us, and I'm excited to see how they wrap up, be it neat or in one giant plot ball of chaos. Still no Rick Flag, so I hope we see him again soon. I'm genuinely curious whether Thompson has plans for him or if his incarceration in the first issue was a convenient way to get him out of the book. I hope it's the former, as the latter would be kind of lazy, and if it were true, why show us Flag being dragged away at all? I hope we get some answers soon, or at least glimpses of them.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jun 2, 2021

This issue isn't good. It's really frustrating and goes nowhere and does nothing except for set up more things that we didn't need set up yet. I really hope this book turns it around soon.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Jul 8, 2021

This issue, while it still may be corporate-mandated crossover stuff, actually feels like a natural branch to the story and, more importantly, feels like the writer cared about what happened here. Bloodsport is insanely good as a protagonist, and I hope he sticks around after this little arc. Hell, I hope he gets his own series. I'd buy every issue twice over.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

This issue was good. Like REALLY good. I'm praying this marks a turning point for the book because if so, I'm going to be hanging off those cliffs every month. I cannot wait for issue 8.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Sep 7, 2021

This issue could prove to be a turning point for the series in a more lightly toned direction. I'd be okay either way, honestly, but some consistency would be nice in this series. Looking (cautiously) forward to the next one.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #9

Nov 18, 2021

I really thought this series was going to be a slog to review, but if we get more issues like this one, I'll read this forever.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #10

Dec 7, 2021

Last issue wasn't a fluke! I think I can recommend actively following this book now. I know I will be.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #11

Jan 4, 2022

This book is just getting better and better. I know I keep saying it, but I hope Thompson can keep this up, because I want to keep reading more. Can't wait for next issue!

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Suicide Squad (2021) #12

Feb 1, 2022

This series continues to blow my mind, and there's no signs of losing steam. Absolutely incredible.

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Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 7, 2021

This annual is fantastic. I just wish it was attached to a better series.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021) #1

Apr 13, 2021

This book is insanely fun. The whole time I was reading it, I kept feeling like that 8 year old kid sitting on the floor of my living room, popping my well loved copy Scooby-Doo Meets Batman into the DVD player for the 100th time. Scooby-Doo and Batman is one of those magical combinations that I don't think will ever get old, and I hope it makes people happy for generations to come. Now, I don't think anyone is going to be calling this high art (the cowards), but it doesn't need to be. It's a fun book meant for children, and it does its job fantastically. I loved this book, and I can't wait for the rest of the series.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021) #2

May 11, 2021

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries is a wonderful series. It's so much fun to read, and makes you feel like you're sitting on the floor on a Saturday morning, right in front of your parents' TV, watching Scooby-Doo Meets Batman for the 400th time. Which is something we definitely all did. I had a normal childhood. Seriously, though, this book is perfect for all ages, and a delightful break from reality with some wacky mystery-solving hijinks. I'm very excited to read more.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021) #4

Jul 14, 2021

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: this book is Saturday morning incarnate. It shouldn't be hard to tell if you want to pick this up, but I highly recommend it for any fan of either Batman or Scooby-Doo. This has been an absolutely charming mini, and I'll be sad to see it go.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021) #5

Aug 10, 2021

This issue is great. It's my favorite one yet. The whole maxi has been wonderfully charming and family friendly, with continual things for longtime fans to pick up on. I love this series, and even though we're not halfway done yet, I'm already going to miss this book.

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The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021) #6

Sep 14, 2021

This issue continues the series' streak of absolute charmers that are perfect for kids. I love this book so much.

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Tis The Season To Be Freezin' (2021) #1

Dec 14, 2021

This anthology is incredibly solid. There's a wacky, fun cast of characters with a wide variety of engaging, entertaining stories. Everyone's sure to find something they like here.

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Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 15, 2021

This issue takes most of its time for setup for this core premise, but boy does it make me excited for more. The plot hook is dangled just precisely enough that I legitimately can't tell what's going on yet. There's a couple things I thought might have been happening, particularly in regards to Superboy's adventures over inSuicide Squad, and that still might be a factor (see: the T-shirt look), but nothing is concrete enough for me to call it this early. I'm super pumped to read more, particularly in regards to Conner's situation.

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World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #2

Aug 9, 2023

I can't wait for more of this book. The ending is super fun, and leaves a lot to look out for!

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World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #4

Oct 10, 2023

I'm flat out head over heels for Waid'sWorld's Finest universe. I could read nothing but this from DC forever and be happy. (Put out other stuff, though, DC. I like new, weird things. City of Madness in particular looks incredible this week.)

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World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #5

Nov 14, 2023

This definitely felt like one of the weaker issues in the series, but it's by no means bad. Sometimes you gotta dip down so you can rise higher next time.

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World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023) #6

Dec 12, 2023

I've really loved covering this little series. I hope we get to see more Titans stories from Waid. Maybe The Judas Contract or something. Now that I mention it, Lupacchino's take on a Discowing suit wouldn't be unwelcome, either…

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