Superstar creators Jason Aaron and Doug Mahnke's brutal interstellar adventure continues as a young Bruce Wayne has journeyed to space to continue his development as Batman! But when he winds up a prisoner of the War Storm, a massive starship filled with trained killers, can the Dark Knight find new allies to aid in his journey?!
As good as the character work is, the action in this title is world-class, with some of the best fight scenes in any book at DC right now plus a space escape that pushes Batman to is absolute limit and sends him to the next stage of his journey away from Synn's shipand into an incredibly hostile world that has very different threats waiting for him. Brilliant. Read Full Review
Batman: Off-World #2 is a brutal blast, showcasing the Dark Knight's ability to adapt to any situation while ratcheting up the insanity. This issue ends with Batman in a seemingly hopeless situation, but given that this is the same man who survived having his spine snapped in two by Bane and Darkseid's Omega Beams, his captors will have plenty to fear. Read Full Review
This was definitely an improvement over last issue, let's keep that going!! Read Full Review
Overall, Batman: Off-World #2 is a fun diversion that doesn't seem to ever rise above its premise. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it may be an indicator that this series could become a forgettable adventure. I hope that's not the case. Read Full Review
It's actually kind of an interesting read and it certainly makes for a nice contrast to everything going on in the main continuity, but the plot feels thing and I'm already wondering how long the overall conceit of things will carry. Read Full Review
The first off-world issue appeared a little more tentative as Aaron established Batman in space. Issue two appears more stable and provides a pace filled narrative with a distinctive sense of Batman as a character.
The comic has a good deal of action and moves with a sense of purpose. Batman’s planning and preparation is clear as well as his commitment to saving lives. An interesting situation given Aaron’s previous run on Punisher that appeared to be focused on ending as many lives as possible.
The ending of the comic is odd. It gives a clear sense of a cliff-hanger, there is more story to be had, but it could also be an ending in itself. Strange.
Jason Aaron’s Batman-in-space story didn’t look back after sending the Dark Knight straight into a galactic prison cell in the first issue. This story isn’t taking itself too seriously and isn’t really setting any rules for what happens in this. We’re just getting Batman beating the crap out of aliens. Does it make sense? Not really. Is it pure fun once you embrace the absurdity? Absolutely. Pencil work by Doug Mahnke, inks by Jaime Mendoza, and colors by David Baron bring it all to life with a vibrancy befitting the out-of-this-world story. The alien races look create and there are several pages worthy of pausing for a few minutes to appreciate, including the final page setting us up for the next chapter.