The Movement #8

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Freddie Williams II Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 8, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
8.6Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

Vengeance Moth and Burden are left alone to fight the Graveyard Faction! Only they and Tremor stand can prevent a disaster beneath Coral City!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Rob Kitchen Jan 11, 2014

    Gail Simone and Freddie Williams II cap off the first eight issues ofThe Movement with an epic conclusion that successfully and satisfungly wraps up everything the series has been building toward. For being a huge risk from DC, this series deserves more attention than it's getting and stuff like this proves it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - Jake Tanner Jan 12, 2014

    I've said before that everyone should read this series and I still mean it. The Movement is DC's version of Fearless Defenders. It's a special book that I'm afraid people will overlook until it's gone and by then it will be too late to save it. If you love top notch writing and art from some of the best in the business, The Movement is something you need to jump in to! Do it now!5 out of 5 nerds Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Jan 11, 2014

    As for the ending itself, in the next issue The Movement will finally have a crossover with a character that I've been wanting to see in this book for quite a while and I'm really excited about it. One hint: wheel-chair. That's all that needs to be said I think. There are some great potentialities here with regards to how this character will interact with the team, particularly Moth, and I can't wait to see it all. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Jan 14, 2014

    The one area of the writing that succeeds without question in this issue is the theme of the book, which comes across better than ever here. Unfortunately, you'll have to wade through a bunch of content that's just Ok to get to the two great fist pump moments at the end of the book, which are shown below. These two panels almost make this issue worth reading, if you've been keeping up with The Movement. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Melissa Grey Jan 8, 2014

    The book's other major plot involves the not-as-corrupt-as-we-initially-thought Coral City police department. Officer Yee's conscience got the better of him in the previous issue, and he takes a mighty beating for it from his former partner for it here. The entire subplot seems intent on humanizing the otherwise thoroughly detestable organization that's as much of a scourge on the city as the Cornea Killer himself. There are shades of Commissioner Gordon in Captain Meers, one of the few decent people in a morally anemic police force. It's an interesting dynamic that's sure to see an even more interesting twist considering the surprise guest star the book's final page. Okay, so it's not much a surprise if you've been reading the solicits, but I shan't spoil it for you here. But you'll like it, I promise. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Jan 9, 2014

    They might be superheroes, but if all they are doing is fighting mercenaries, and not getting to the real bad guys it all seems a bit pointless to me. Perhaps this will be addressed in later issues, but at the moment all I can do is judge it on what has happened so far. I'll keep on reading the book for a few more issues, and hopefully the arrival of the new (famous) character will begin the process of the Movement dealing with the real villains in their world, rather than playing a frustrating, and unsatisfying game with the mercenaries on their pay-roll. Read Full Review

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