The Savage Hawkman #13

Writer: Rob Liefeld Artist: Joe Bennett Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 24, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
6.8Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

HAWKMAN: WANTED begins here! The secrets of Hawkmans past are coming to claim him in an adventure that will span the entire DC Universe before its shocking conclusion! Continues next month in both THE SAVAGE HAWKMAN and GREEN ARROW!

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Oct 24, 2012

    Savage Hawkman is one of the books that I have the most fun reading each month. It's light and fun, and absolutely crammed with amazing art from Joe Bennet and Art Thibert. On top of that, the plots are crazy and you can bet there will be an incredible fight scene. My hope is thatHawkman: Wanted tests Carter Hall, or should I call him Katar Hol? more than he has been in the past. I really want to see him pushed to the breaking point. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Nov 5, 2012

    While not one of the best series offered by DC, The Savage Hawkman has a lot ofpotential. Soon enough, Rob Liefeld's directives will finish up, and a newcreative team will have a chance to take Katar Hol in new, fascinatingdirections. The tools are there: the Nth metal armor is brimming withpossibilities, Hawkman will be featured in the upcoming Justice League of America, and the introduction of Hawkwoman pointsto a greater world that includes adventures to Thanagar (perhaps in a Hawkworld fashion?) Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson Nov 4, 2012

    While not one of the best series offered by DC, The Savage Hawkman has a lot of potential. Soon enough, Rob Liefeld's directives will finish up, and a new creative team will have a chance to take Katar Hol in new, fascinating directions. The tools are there: the Nth metal armor is brimming with possibilities, Hawkman will be featured in the upcoming Justice League of America, and the introduction of Hawkwoman points to a greater world that includes adventures to Thanagar (perhaps in a Hawkworld fashion?) Read Full Review

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