The Savage Hawkman #3

Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 23, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Using his unique gift for deciphering alien symbols, Carter Hall learns the secets knowledge of his new foe, Morphicius, even as his deadly power continues to grow! Unraveling this mystery is Hawkman's only chance to defeat Morphicius before he becomes unstoppable.

  • 5.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 23, 2011

    I'm not willing to give this series many more chances. I'll stick around for one more issue to see how the current conflict wraps up, but if issue #4 can't showcase more ambition and a stronger focus on characterization, I'll be moving on to books that can. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Nov 27, 2011

    I dont like the Philip Tans work. Its way to confusing. What exactly is happening on page eight? What is the woman doing to Morphicius? To say that Tan is a weak storyteller is an overstatement. He just cant put a series of images in a sequence that makes sense for a reader to follow. I have no clue about whats happening most of the time. And the text captions dont help either. As for the colouring by Gho, the colours are nice, but he buries Tans work in dark tones and makes visual that are already hard to decipher impossible to comprehend. Read Full Review

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