Threshold #2

Writer: Keith Giffen Artist: Tom Raney Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 13, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Its renegade Green Lantern JEDIAH CAUL against BLUE BEETLE! But what is poor Jaime doing stranded in the wildest corners of outer space, anyway?

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Feb 15, 2013

    The second issue of Threshold impress with its humor, its good use of its concepts and its general actions scenes, even though there seems to be small problems with the pacing and the juggling of its growing cast. The whole thing, though, is enhanced by Tom Raney's art and the fun backup provided with some good art by Scott Kolins. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Feb 13, 2013

    Now that I can see a general direction, tone and intention for Giffen's Threshold, a sort of cosmic realm that's much like his Annihilation stuff (techincally part of the main continuity, but separate enough from it that those who aren't all that thrilled with the New 52 in general have a place to go within DC to enjoy comics), I'm warming to it more than I did with the first issue, where I couldn't stop hating on the name Jediah Caul. A slight mental adjustment, and I think Threshold is going to be an engaging place to spend some funnybook time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 13, 2013

    THRESHOLD is the science fiction comic DC readers deserve. Sure, there's a ton of stuff being thrown at you, which at times, can get confusing, but everything your reading is awesome. The creative team on this book compliments each other extremely well, and I was quite happy to see how well the Blue Beetle fit into the issue. I'm a big fan of the Captain K'Rot reboot, and that Larfleeze back up is oh so awesome. This is a book you really should jump on to. It's a bit out there, but it's all good.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - LegoLawyer Feb 16, 2013

    The backup story featuring Larfleeze is certainly one of the funniest stories in the New 52. Stargrave plays an entertaining straight man to Larfleeze's antics. I'd say this feature is well worth the bump to four dollars per issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Feb 18, 2013

    I'm not exactly sure, but I think I might just be hooked on Threshold. Hell, I've just made it nearly all the way through this review without even mentioning the Larfleeze back-up story! I don't wanna say too much, but I'll do what I can. It's darn funny, Scott Kolins' art rules, and there's a three panel Larfreeze reaction sequence which is pretty much the most hilarious thing I've ever seen done with the character. Not essential, but it made a good comic even better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Feb 15, 2013

    "Threshold" #2 continues to get the new toys out of the toybox. I think it's safe to say we haven't seen everything or everyone yet. The promise of Lady Styx still hangs in the background. Furthermore, as these characters get more paneltime and their stories get deeper it seems as though Giffen's long-range story might come together soon. I just hope it congeals a little faster as two issues of exposition have left me wanting to see these characters exert a little cooperation and maybe face a legitimate, non-manufactured threat. Read Full Review

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