Wednesday Comics #1
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Wednesday Comics #1

Writer: John Arcudi Artist: Michael Allred Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 8, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

In July, DC Comics gives a fresh twist to a grand comics tradition with WEDNESDAY COMICS, a new, weekly 12-issue series by some of the greatest names in comics today! WEDNESDAY COMICS is unique in modern comics history: Reinventing the classic weekly newspaper comics section, it is a 16-page weekly that unfolds to a sprawling 28" x 20" tabloid-sized reading experience bursting with mind-blowing color, action and excitement, with each feature on its own 14" x 20" page.Spearheaded by DCU Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello, whose past editing credits include BATMAN BLACK and WHITE, DC: THE NEW FRONTIER and SOLO, each page of WEDNESDAY COMICS more

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 9, 2009

    . I am so glad that the unusual format for this series isn't being treated as a gimmick to help shill the same old stories we are used to. All of the creative teams do an excellent job of putting artistry and craft first, even in the less spectacular stories. This is pure fun and a great loveletter to the medium of comics, much like DC's criminally under read Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chad Derdowski Jul 9, 2009

    I’m giving it an A+, for stretching the medium in different directions, for challenging fans to think outside the 22-page format and for helping us to remember our roots. Well done, DC. Well done indeed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jul 8, 2009

    Last but not least, I hope DC Comics considers this an open letter with a specific request. Please, please, please offer "Wednesday Comics" in a collected edition that runs the full 14x20" size. Also released today was the first volume of Fantagraphics's "Prince Valiant" reissues, and the Hal Foster art looked amazing on this same size and with sharp paper. I fully expect there to be a smaller-sized version of this book for all the stores that won't stock something oversized, and I get that. But something this beautiful deserves to be collected in the larger size, too. Please? I promise I'll buy two copies, because I bet my brother-in-law would love one for Christmas or his birthday. (The other, of course, is for me.) This is too good to get shrunken down. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 9, 2009

    So, a great first effort - even at $3.99, I'll be back next week for the latest installment. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jul 19, 2009

    Whatever the result of this book, DC Comics can take pride in having spent good money to try something new instead of just coming out with another BATMAN comic. Hopefully this experiment will attract new readers as it brings us new forms of storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 8, 2009

    Overall, there's no denying that Wednesday Comics is proving to be a creative success. Just as I was writing this review, I found it was quite a bit of fun to review all of the strips. Given the mainstream-media promotion and coverage of the project and the big-name talent who've participated in the comic, I suspect Wednesday Comics will prove to be a sales success as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 8, 2009

    However, since "Wednesday Comics" is clearly meant to showcase the art, the weaker writing is easy to overlook and should be forgotten when these stories can be read as a whole. Until then, this is an interesting and beautiful book that makes you want to buy two copies so you can rip it apart and put pages up on your walls. Definitely a reason to hit the shop every Wednesday if you weren't already. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 8, 2009

    Does it bother you that this is just an overpriced comic book in newspaper format? If no, this is probably a must read for you. Does it bother you that this "comic" won't physically stand the test of time and that a "proper", cheaper oversized trade is inevitable? If yes, this is probably an avoid it for you. Personally, while I don't hate the stories told and I do think the art looks fantastic for just about every single one of these pages, the format simply acts as too much of a barrier for me for what amounted to a basic series of out of continuity anthology tales from top creators. I'll be waiting for the trade on this one where I'll be able to enjoy it in a much easier to handle manner. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Michael Smith Jul 12, 2009

    I wanted to love this concept. I really wanted to rally around and get behind this project. When I first picked up the issue I envisioned this being something I could hand to a random person that does not read comics and get them interested in some good stories. I did not envision this as something that needed to be bagged and boarded and stored away for days to follow. It is just hard for me to justify the $3.99 price tag for fifteen pages of story. I know there are those that will scream how incredible and innovative this new concept is and how this is a great new vehicle to convey comics. There is some truth to all of these things but I cannot get past the limited amount of story that I am going to get each week and the overall price of the book. I think DC Comics tried something new and I applaud them for going outside the box and trying to bring new life into comics but it just is not the super phenomena that I was hoping to see. I hope down the line DC collects all of these stori Read Full Review

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