Wonder Woman #608

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski, Phil Hester Artist: Geraldo Borges Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 9, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Flashes of a destroyed Themyscira haunt Diana all over again as an Amazon safe house is completely destroyed. The culprits? Cheetah and Silver Swan, who work for the mysterious Morrigan. How does Diana get out of this one? According to Cheetah, "You run"

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Mar 12, 2011

    While this isn't the strongest issue thus far of Phil Hester's run at the helm of JMS's Wonder Woman, it is a solid read that continues to showcase how strong Hester's vision for the character is. The cliffhanger was a great way to end this actionpacked issue and has me more excited than I have been at any point in this story arc. While I do wish that Kramer were drawing this book without fillins, Borges does a fine job of taking the reigns, despite a few hangups. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Mar 9, 2011

    Objectively, and when taken in tandem with last month's issue, this arc is starting to become a very, very strong story. Diana is coming into her own as a character, and the plot and stakes are starting to become very interesting and very high. If you don't bust your brain trying to figure out where, when and how all this is happening, it's an excellent read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Karyn Pinter Mar 14, 2011

    Anyway, Im glad to see Wonder Woman keeping steady, even though this issue wasnt the strongest story-wise. It had a few good developments, but the majority of the pages were devoted to the girl fight in the middle of the street. Straczynski and Hester again hold up their end of keeping the reader entertained for the month, while the art team has shown improvement. Geraldo Borges is so far my favorite on the all-new Wonder Woman. Does he do anything special? Yes, but its not "standout" special; its the kind that you just know when you see it, where you just look at the page and see good art that compliments the story. And check out the cover by Alex Garner. It captures the villainesses completely. Theres been so much improvement in the past eight monthslets try to make it a whole year. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Mar 9, 2011

    Sadly, the artwork is really beginning to lag behind the script in this book. After the much ballyhooed return of Don Kramer last month (which didn't exactly pan out), Geraldo Borges steps in for issue #608. Borges' work is riddled with storytelling problems. From detail and consistency (Cheetah's costume seems to change in almost every panel) to general page layouts (too many shots are framed either too close-up or too far away), issue #608 just doesn't measure up. As "Odyssey" begins building towards its climax, it's going to need a more consistent and attractive set of visuals to effectively bring Diana's current journey to a close. Read Full Review

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