Story 1 - Deadshot has his sights set on a corrupt government official, and it’s up to the Amazon Princess to protect him from the legendary assassin—but does this particular target actually deserve to be saved? Story 2 - Steve Trevor finds himself in over his head while trying to help Wonder Woman on a mission—but is he doing it for the right reasons, or just trying to prove something to himself?
Wonder Womans enduring appeal brings another couple of stories into the digital in a series which has by this time presented six different stories in five weeks as the comic book industry deals with its biggest hit since the interregnum period between the Golden Age and the Silver Age. Just as in those dark days of the 1950s, Wonder Woman is one of the few major heroes making it to page and panel to carry the torch until everything returns to some sense of normalcy. Read Full Review
The way the DC Giants work in putting in different length stories and focusing on characters as it does allows for a lot of variety and repackaging those here works pretty well. The doubling up of two shorter stories makes sense but perhaps these read better amid the longer stories. They're not bad per se but they just show the weakness in the creation of short-form material for superhero stories, an area that's really not done much. Both creative teams do a solid job here but there's just that extra little something missing that it needs to really feel like it works as strongly as it should. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace #5 gives you two okay stories with great art. It's worth the 99 cent cost of admission, but don't expect to come back to this one once you are done reading it. Read Full Review