Squarriors #3

Writer: Ash Maczko Artist: Ashley Witter Publisher: Devil's Due Publishing Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
9.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The breakout hit series continues in this penultimate issue to the first miniseries! Rustle and Spin covertly follow Eli to his meeting with the Maw, revealing the true intentions of a Tin Kin defector. Meanwhile, King orders his tribe to prepare for an incoming invasion.

  • 10
    Fox Force Five News - Keven Skinner Jun 19, 2015

    Much of #3 is set-up and story after what could be considered two action-packed chapters but to be honest, I loved what may be considered the slowest issue yet — leaps and bounds above the other two — and those two were fucking fantastic. I refuse to spoil anything but the outcome of this chapter is so shocking and so well written that Squarriors has officially become one of my favorite series of the year right alongside Saga and Rat Queens. The final chapter of this first arc cannot come soon enough – if you aren't reading Squarriors I urge you to go to your local comic shop and place your orders immediately. It's time to support kick-ass creator-owned titles like this and it's time – right now. Amazing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Jun 23, 2015

    Aside from that, Squarriors #3 is another incredibly good chapter in what is easily one of 2015's best series. Maczko and Witter have both proven themselves to be creators worth following onto their next projects"and to a final issue for this series that should be all types of awesome. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Jul 29, 2015

    It gets tricky to keep track of the characters, but it's worth making the effort to pin them down, the artwork is so glorious that you can't possible spend too much time analyzing it. Certain moments drag, other moments are truly heartbreaking. The end of the issue is nerve racking and makes me worry whether the story will be able to conclude in a satisfying way in just one more issue.

  • 9.0
    Deficient_ai May 26, 2016

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