"After it debuted in 1993, the classic Sam Raimi film Army of Darkness quickly became the most beloved movie of the popular Evil Dead franchise. And with the launch of their Army of Darkness comics in 2005, Dynamite set a new standard for the indefatigable Ash Williams's adventures in any medium! Now, after nearly three decades of Ash-tastic action, Dynamite is upping the ante with the ultimate AOD comic book series: Army of Darkness... FOREVER!
Picking up immediately after the events of Army of Darkness (the Director's Cut, natch), Ash chainsaws his way through the Techno Army of Darkness in 2093 and defends the sacred ai more
There are, it seems, thousands of Army of Darkness comic books that have been published, but Army of Darkness Forever has finally found a new path to take. Read Full Review
ARMY OF DARKNESS FOREVER #1 is a fun nostalgia trip back to the Army of Darkness film, but its a little too long because half the comic is simply retelling the same story. The other half inserts a time travel oopsie that doesnt make any sense, so the net result is a comic that relies on nostalgia in a convoluted mess. Read Full Review