Battlestar Galactica: Classic #0

Writer: John Jackson Miller Artist: Daniel HDR Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: October 3, 2018 Cover Price: $0.35 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Commander Adama and the remnants of humanity discover a second fugitive fleet, fleeing a different mortal enemy. Can the two armadas join forces, making common cause against the dreaded Cylons? And what would success mean for the quest for Earth? New York Times bestselling author and comics writer JOHN JACKSON MILLER (Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo) joins Dynamite for a miniseries timed for Battlestar Galactica's 40th anniversary year!

  • 10
    Infinite Earths - J.D. Jr. Oct 1, 2018

    At a mere $0.35, this one is the deal of the decade! Miller and HDR have set upon something truly stupendous - and we'll be coming along for the ride! Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Oct 1, 2018

    As a child of the 70's and 80's I'm loving this and I'm definitelysigned up for the whole story. This to me is the Battlestar Galacticaof my youth and not the gritty and nihilistic take on the series, which was so popular in the early 2000's. You can get your copy of this first issue for Free from Comixology and elsewhere. It's definitelyworth a look if you feel nostalgic for the more family-friendlyversion of Battlestar Galactica. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    the green death Oct 3, 2018

    A nice intro to a new storyline that seems to have appeal but I just don’t have the nostalgia for these characters needed for this to fully land. If you do hold BSG Classic near and dear you’re in for a treat, otherwise you, like me, probably won’t be along for the ride. Still appreciate the free digital zero issue as I’d never have tried it out otherwise,

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