The crew of the Dreadnaught Tiger is within reach of their goal! But can they get to Captain Victory -- either one of them -- before they're destroyed by the hostile environments they're stuck in? Cosmic Armageddon is right around the corner!
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers is a fun comic but overloads you. Read Full Review
Like the last few issues, I really don't know what to make of all this. It has some beautiful and fantastic moments with its structure and design with the artwork and coloring, but then it gets all murky and impossible to figure out who or what is going on at the time. The larger narrative is fine and works well, is easy to understand, but when it gets down to the actual execution, dialogue and display of it, it feels like it's just a mess upon a mess with the best of intentions. The time spent in the late 70's period here is definitely a treat in its own way and it's fun seeing the twist of it all come into play with Klavus, but it's hard to really rally behind this in general with what it's doing. Read Full Review