Cryptozoic Man #4
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Cryptozoic Man #4

Writer: Walter Flanagan, Bryan Johnson Artist: Walter Flanagan, Chris Ivy Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
4.8Critic Rating
2.5User Rating

FINAL ISSUE!!! The piglets have come home to root! Any and all questions you may have had about Gray aliens, legendary cryptids, forty-story tall demon swine, and insane, sadomasochistic industrialists are answered in this bang-up conclusion to Cryptozoic Man!

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Feb 27, 2014

    Cryptozoic Man #4 is an imperfect but engaging ride that gives us a somewhat rushed ending. Still, the creative team yields enough quality to earn my recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Gary Kane Feb 26, 2014

    I liked it when I got what was going on, The art was reasonably solid throughout, and I will admit I went into the series with reservations about whether Walt Flanagan could deliver that based on the handful of times his work has been published. However, these reservations were largely overcome. The bizarre story was augmented by the similarly weird imagery that accompanied it. Looking back at the series I would definitely suggest people read it, so as to compare notes, and I would certainly suggest horror fans should pick it up to experience its weirdness. Just so long as you realise this is a series that certainly wont appeal to everybody. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Word Of The Nerd - William Mercado Feb 26, 2014

    The same detail put into the characters on the page and the imagination that brings them all into the same book needs to be applied to a level of writing that unifies all those fascinatingly weird elements and grounds them no matter how outlandish they may be. Until then, the writing seems elementary and disjointed making the drawings seem childish and disturbing, creating what comes off as a very amateur tangle of a book. Walt pulls the book out of the depths, but Bryan should stick to reading comics for his gig on AMC and steer clear of writing them. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Feb 26, 2014

    Cryptozoic Man has been a series with a lot of squandered potential. I'm not exactly sure what happened and I read it all together several times. The final pages says "End"?" and I can only hope the answer is a loud "Yes!" Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    olliequeen Apr 15, 2014

    The final issue. The best thing that can be said about cryptozoic man is that it's over. Terrible from beginning to finish. While Flannigan gave Johnson good art to work with at no time will you be glad you are reading this book.

  • 2.0
    Gizmo Oct 23, 2014

    I couldn't begin to describe what I just read because I don't know for myself.

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