Dejah Thoris #1

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Vasco Georgiev Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: December 11, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"Barsoom has always been a dying world. Closer to death these days, perhaps."

From DAN ABNETT (Guardians Of The Galaxy, Justice League Odyssey) and rising star VASCO GEORGIEV comes an all-new vision of the Princess Of Mars! Dejah has been many things: Wife, mother, royalty. But now, she is a determined scientist, dedicated to discovering why her world is freezing, and which political factions know the secret of this global catastrophe? Experience glittering palace intrigue and visceral adventure in the new ongoing adventures of DEJAH THORIS!

  • 9.8
    Word Of The Nerd - Edward Wendt Dec 10, 2019

    Though not flawless, Dejah Thoris #1 is a really good start for the new series. The character is presented in a modern way, and the heavier topic is not avoided but, rather, embraced. As the stories of John Carter exist in the public realm anyone can really take them on, but the creative team here owns a new Dejah Thoris, and one better than we've seen before. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 11, 2019

    I've really enjoyed a number of Dejah Thoris interpretations over the last few years and this one looks to tickle a particular fancy. I like that the family is out of power but still a threat, one that looks close to being quashed no less as others want to ensure their plans unfold without her interference. I'm curious to see how well the Tharks will be handled as they go through their own changes. I really want more on Dejah's family and to touch upon some of what happened that has sent John away, though I suspect it'll be little more than a nod and a "given" of something that's happened. With some solid artwork from Georgiev and a busy and verbose script from Abnett, the opening installment sets all the main foundations with room for so much more to be introduced. Definitely one to watch for. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Outright Geekery - William Pace Dec 9, 2019

    If you're a Dejah fan you'll all find something different to light a fire in you about this new series. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Nathan Simmons Dec 10, 2019

    While not entirely friendly to new readers, this issue offers a decent crash course in the best that the Princess of Mars and her world have to offer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    I Review Comics Mar 22, 2020

    Truth be told I'm a very shallow reader and will readily admit I picked up Dejah Thoris #1 because the cover was absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful cover aside, this is my first time actually consuming any material set within the John Carter from Mars Landscape.

    Every concept presented in the comic is foreign to me aside from seeing the character occasionally in pinups.

    The story does very little to fill in the blanks and due to the presentation of the comic, I felt like I was jumping into the middle of a story arc rather than the beginning. Because of the lack of any recap, the story is locked off from the highest marks in this review. What I can say is that the comic is solid and that if you do have prior knowledge of t more

  • 6.0
    batman_forever Jan 4, 2020

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