As the jungle descends into a lethal winter, Red Sonja and Jungle Girl have finally cornered the vicious Mistress Hel and -- oh, whoops, wait, it's the other way around. Monsters, magic, a dreamboat in distress - and a velociraptor chariot race? Time is running out for Sonja and Jana to restore to island before all is lost! Item Co
While I admit I kept my expectations low for this book because I get the structure and intent of the event series overall with its supporting books, I'm having an absolute blast with this. It's not high end material in a certain sense but it's a thoroughly fun read with some great dialogue to keep it all moving right along and infusing life into these characters. Bennett has a knack for this pair right from the get go and this second installment just cements it. Andolfo's artwork again continues to be really appropriate here, though some scenes look a little rushed or off model, but the bulk of it has the right kind of playfulness about it as well as some great reaction shots for both Jana and Sonja that should rightly leave you in stitches if you have any affection for these two at this point. Good stuff that has me hoping they'll find a way to team these two up again sometime in the future with this group behind it. Read Full Review
A more light hearted approach to the slightly repetitive narrative of Swords of Sorrow. The comedy however feels forced and shows different doesn't mean good. Read Full Review