Never Never #1
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Never Never #1

Writer: Mark McCann Artist: Phil Buckenham Publisher: Heavy Metal Release Date: November 4, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Winter is seduced by the boy-sprite, Petros - off to the Never, Never. A place where children never grow up and adults are the enemy. What would such a place look like? Where resources are scarce. Time passes, but age is obsolete. War with adults, starved and insane from constant battle, is the norm. What would age-less boys free of civility and role-models be willing to do to survive. To live Forever. A young girl will face her greatest test; an island full of immortal cannibals with a dark secret that sustains its existence, in the most unnatural and awful of ways.

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Nov 6, 2020

    Never Never #1 is a shocking debut. I expected a different take on the classic Peter Pan but wasn't expecting this. It's definitely an adult take that takes everything to the extreme and has me wanting to check out more. It also has me rethinking the original story as this take highlights some of the holes in the story and world. The team has something very interesting here and hopefully what's to come isn't caught up in the shock but instead has just used that as a springboard to shake us out of expectations. This is definitely one to check out for a new twisted take on a classic story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0 - Nicole Drum Jul 7, 2021

    For a first issue it's too early to see how the racial aspects ill shake out, but one can't help but already be concerned that the series will have a heavy hand as it attempts to gore up a classic. Read Full Review

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