Action Man #3

Writer: John Barber Artist: Paolo Villanelli Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

ONE-MAN SEIGE! ACTION MAN moves in on DOCTOR X's secret Alpine headquarters-but things don't go as planned, either on the way in... or the way out!
•   Secrets are revealed as DOCTOR X's master plan becomes clear!
•   On Her Majesty's action-packed attack!
•   In the spirit or Bond, John Steed, and Kingsman!
•   Sets the stage for next month's REVOLUTION!

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Anthony Wendel Aug 23, 2016

    This series finally hits it out of the park and delivers an issue which really makes you want to keep reading. When the book is released as a trade, it seems as if this first story will be the perfect way to introduce new fans to the idea of who Action Man is and what he is about. Now, all they have to do is keep the energy going and this new incarnation of the character will become a must read for fans of James Bond looking for a good spy adventure comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    TheMatteo0 Sep 23, 2016

    Great to see Action Man back 'in action' - albeit a different one to before - with this new series. Action Man was always one of my favourite childhood characters, and seeing him back again with a slightly different take is always enjoyable. Overall, this is a solid take on a spy-thriller with it's own nostalgic feel (for me), but probably won't appeal to anyone who doesn't particularly like the spy-genre, or wasn't a fan of Action Man as a child.

  • 5.0
    Nightmare of Solomon Aug 28, 2016

    It feels this comic solely exist as a way to justify the Hasbro-verse and the upcoming "Revolution" crossover event.

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