Fistful Of Blood OGN

Writer: Rich Koslowski Artist: Rich Koslowski Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 9, 2022 Cover Price: $19.99 Critic Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

For every hero who saves the galaxy and makes the front page, there are a dozen staffers working behind the scenes... and a hundred up-and-comers hoping to take his place. F.A.R.M. System is your ticket to the hidden world of superpowered individuals hoping to "make the Big Leagues." Guided by an army of agents, managers, and experts, recruits must undergo rigorous psychological evaluations, harassment and sensitivity seminars, marketing and endorsement workshops, and costume design meetings, all to boost their chances of recruitment into an A-list superhero team.

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Oct 7, 2022

    F.A.R.M. System is straight-up brilliant. There's really no other way to describe it. Koslowski does something nearly impossible today: he creates an enthralling new superhero universe from scratch. This book hooks a reader like nothing else on the stands today and doesn't let go until the last page. It's a long book, but well worth the time and honestly a steal for the price. It doesnt come out until November, but its worth the wait. Read Full Review

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