Godzilla vs. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: II #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Baldemar Rivas Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: April 3, 2024 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Worlds collide a second time as everyone's favorite kaiju meets up with Earth's mightiest warriors once again to take on the most fearsome monsters from both sides of the multiverse, with Rita Repulsa egging them on! This one has it all: SpaceGodzilla! Clawhammer! Tentacreep! But what exactly does Rita intend to do with their collective might, and how have her mysterious new allies, Astronema and the Alliance of Evil-given her added reach across worlds? The Power Rangers are on a mission to find out, but first... all roads lead back to Godzilla!

  • 10
    Nerd Initiative - Janelle Holland Apr 3, 2024

    I have to applaud the art, its beautiful and each panel is shaded very well. There are sharp details to the characters, and even Godzilla looks excellent. I love how the story comes along as well, and it moves along smoothly. This is an interesting plot, putting a team vs. so many monsters and villains at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pastrami Nation - Daniel Schwartz May 2, 2024

    This is the start of something cool. This is the first of a 5-issue miniseries, and it sets up the story perfectly. It is hard to believe that Rita can be stopped with Godzilla in her corner, and I am looking forward to seeing how all of this plays out and how or if the Rangers manage to save the day. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Aguilar Apr 3, 2024

    There are some stellar sequences, including several involving White Ranger and the Tigerzord, and Johanna Nattalie's lettering makes those moments pop off the page. There are other scenes though where it can be difficult to sort out exactly what's happening, with everything sort of blending together. Read Full Review

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