The roar of the twenties escalated to a mighty SKREONK as Godzilla attacked the party of the wrong man and hurt the wrong lady. Now Jay Gatsby has enlisted the help of Sherlock Holmes, Thomas Edison, Jules Verne, The Time Machinist, and more to put an end to the Godzilla threat once and for all. Watch as our new team travels twenty thousand leagues under the sea and turns Paris into the ultimate Godzilla trap in this thrilling feat of cartooning by the unrivaled Tom Scioli.
Godzilla's Monsterpiece Theatre #2 is a fun read that continues to take these well-known characters and places them against an unstoppable foe who has terrorized lesser opponents in other mediums. This series continues to be a fun experience and experiment in pushing boundaries of storytelling. Read Full Review
Godzilla: Monsterpiece Theater #2 is thrilling and incredibly fun, as Jay Gatsby, Sherlock Holmes, a cyber Jules Verne and a time traveler team up to end Godzilla once and for all. Read Full Review
Godzilla Monsterpiece Theatre will not appeal to everyone. Fans of Godzilla, however, will relish it just for the chance to see Godzilla terrorize Europe for a change of pace. It will also amuse those literary sorts with a sense of humor, who will appreciate how all Jay Gatsby needed to get over Daisy was an even bigger monster to fight than Tom Buchannan. Read Full Review
Cartoonist Tom Scioli revels in showing Godzilla foil Gatsby and Verne's tech and the resources of American capitalism and destroy various monuments in big splash pages with crayon colors. Something that would potentially be a story-ender in a lesser book ends up just prolonging the characters' agony. Read Full Review