"Black Light District, part 2" - Sector One is under the savage rule of the Dark Judges. The Council of Five has gone underground to survive. And the rest of Mega-City One has been taken over by Judge Cal, who sees this as the perfect opportunity to institute a few tiny changes to your average citizen's liberty, safety and security. Only Judge Dredd and a barely-alive Cassandra Anderson are able to slip through the borders, leaving them the unenviable task of preventing hell on earth and the mad reign of a despot!
Nelson Daniel is a fantastic artist. The way that this feels like a comic book and looks just like it is perfect. He realty paints the world and shows the grave problems facing it. It is crazy. Read Full Review
The individual parts of this issue continue to impress on their own merits, but the execution remains flawed and is only becoming more of an issue as each story tries to build up to a climax. The great art and improvement to the social surveillance allegory manage to boost this issue from a 2/5 to a 3/5. Read Full Review
The storytelling and art are improved from a few issues back, but we are near the end of the second arc that supposedly centres around the Dark Judges, yet they are almost completely absent from this issue. This issue is in service to the next story arc, which I wouldn't have a problem with if there weren't just one friggin' issue left for Judge Death! I've never seen a quintessential villain thrown by the wayside to the degree that the Dark Judges have been in this series. Swierczynski seems more content with the Dark Judges wreaking havoc somewhere off panel, he doesn't seem to have any interest (or talent) in writing direct conflict with them.