Rom, remaining on Earth as the events of First Strike take place, finds himself in a most unusual team-up... with Earth's smallest heroes, The Micronauts! Together, these two forces must prevent a catastrophe on Earth even while Cybertron descends into chaos!
Not a bad read, but doesn't add into the main arc, and I imagine with the chaotic shipping schedule, might not make sense until later on. Read Full Review
This issue was a fun introduction by Gage to the concept of the MIcronauts. I had heard the name over the years, known they had comics, toys and the like over the years, but never really paid much attention to them. Gage did a good job of quickly going over the individual Micronauts, their powers and what they bring to the table. This, combined with the overall narrative of including them in not only the crossover event, but linking them to Rom, made for a fun read. Read Full Review