The first My Little Pony mini-series event! This month-long weekly limited series explores the secret origins of the Equestria's greatest villains!
What caused Sombra to become one of the most feared ponies in Equestria's history?
Overall, Fiendship is Magic starts off most excellent. King Sombra is a character in need of deepening, and this issue does it well. This is a must-buy for MLP fans. Read Full Review
The artwork in this issue is fantastic, thebright colors and perfect amount of details makes the visual aspect of the story stand out. The styling of the artwork is magicalyet simple, making it wonderful and easy to view. The writing is great and the story flows with ease with the help of the interesting box layout of each scene. Overall, this issue is absolutely exceptional and delivers on every aspect of what makes a comic lovable and best of all, anyone of any age can enjoy it! Read Full Review
A Little hidden extra in this issue includes in one of the panels you see a poster with pony cosplayers dressed as Attack on Titan characters. Read Full Review
My Little Pony: Fiendship is Magic #1 is a moving start to this event series, and Sombra's tragic backstory provides added depth to the character without excusing his behavior. This issue offers something different from the traditional happy ending, and explores fear and isolation in a powerful but age-appropriate way. After this issue, I'm looking forward to learning more about the rest of Equestria's fiends and seeing more of My Little Pony‘s dark side. Read Full Review
The story is well written. SOMBRA is presented as a dynamic, well-rounded character, and his descent into evil is portrayed in understandable terms. The question of what causes a rational being to reject good in favor of evil has long been a classic theme of literature. It is surprising to see it in a 'kiddie book.' Read Full Review
This series is probably one of the most interesting of the My Little Pony Universe Read Full Review
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