The X-Files: Season 10 #2

Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Michael Walsh Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 17, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 2
7.6Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

"Believers," Part 2 of 5. Dana Scully has survived abduction, cancer, motherhood by mysterious means, and surrendering her "miracle" baby. But she's never encountered anything like these "Acolytes" before, or the mysterious "Deacon" who's saved her from them. Plus, Mulder follows a lead to Arlington National Cemetery and the final resting place of the "Lone Gunmen."

  • 10
    Following The Nerd - bash Jul 17, 2013

    #2 has gripped me like I never thought it would and keeps the spirit of Mulder and Scully very much alive. Roll on #3. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jul 17, 2013

    This is a must read for anyone that has ever watched an episode of The X-Files. Joe Harris and Chris Carter are doing what every fan of the show has been craving, extending the story with the characters. So much is being thrown at us and it's amazing how much we're seeing happening in just these first two issues. Michael Walsh's art and Jordie Bellaire's colors creates a great vibe for the story. You will be amazed at what happens in this comic. Things are definitely changing and we're seeing some great surprises here. There's no telling what might happen next and that's a great feeling - knowing that there are loads of twists and turns awaiting in the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jul 17, 2013

    The X-Files: Season 10 #2 continues to honour the series that has come before it, pairing a smart, focused script, with suitably evocative art. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jul 21, 2013

    Another snappy issue that makes you feel like you're right back to watching the TV show on Sunday night. It feels authentic. I'm less enthusiastic about a story that dives back into the quagmire of Scully's baby though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 3, 2015

    This installment has a lot of things going on as it's establishing more of the different pieces and there's definitely some interesting things to it, once you adjust to being back into the property and its mindset. Sometimes it feels like it's forcing things in a little too hard, such as the Lone Gunmen and their new post-death super secret lair that Mulder has gained access to, but I liked seeing Doggett back and where his part of the arc could take him. The humor from Mulder is toned down a lot from the first issue, to the benefit of the book, and the seriousness has gone up a couple of notches to compensate. While I'm not thrilled that they have to deal with the baby storyline and all it represents, I'm definitely enjoying in a basic kind of way seeing these characters back in action again after all this time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jimbus_Christ Jul 19, 2013

    The X-Files is back and I want to believe its better than ever. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Sean M. Thompson Jul 17, 2013

    The art continues to serve its purpose, and I've heard likenesses are hard, so bravo on those, as Michael Walsh nails those. It's not incredible, but it doesn't take you out of the story. It does its job, and everything with the weird supernatural guys is fun to see. 8.0 Great story.Fans of The X-Files will be thrilled.Likenesses are good.Art isn't amazing.If you aren't a long time fan of the show, you might need to Google some plot stuff. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Jul 21, 2013

    X-Files Season 10 #2 keeps the momentum from issue #1 rolling " and then some. The mystery continues to build, but there's a real sense that it's actually building up to something. It's my understanding that Joe Harris and Michael Walsh are going for short, inter-connected arcs, and I'm mighty interested to see how all these pieces end up falling into place. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Joey Caswell Jul 18, 2013

    Overall, The X-Files has so much potential that were just starting to see seep into the pages of the comic book adaptation. Given the lengthy buildups typically found throughout the source material, and the fact that the creative team have only released two issues so far, it is safe to say that this series is off to quite a good start. Aside from a few fairly minor issues, the story being crafted here is shaping up to be something magnificently mysterious and exciting. It feels both wholly new for these characters, while simultaneously employing a host of the classic X-Files trappings that make people love this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Jul 19, 2013

    Writer Joe Harris broadens the scope of this new conspiracy, adding a timely reference to a pipeline and a last-page surprise that involves a fan favorite character. What's great is that he does this without spreading the plot too thin, giving us plenty of time with Scully and Mulder and a reminder to be careful next time we're in Arlington. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Alison "Boom" Baumgartner Jul 18, 2013

    Other than that, there isn't much to say. The new conspiracy to solve is about who is hacking into the old X-files and what does it have to do with Scully's son. I think it's an interesting direction for the series to go, so I'm willing to go along for the ride, though the seemingly appearance of the Cigarette Smoking Man at the end, isgoing to take more than a few grains of salt with me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jul 17, 2013

    All this series had to do was show up and tell me whether Mulder had found out about his sister or not (since I don't know) and then gotten the band back together again to investigate weird shit. Instead the weird shit came to them and strangely forced the band back together that way and for me it just doesn't work. I'm going to stick with the first story line in the hope that it will place the series in a better place than it began, but I hope that it gets through this story arc quickly. It's a very rough start that is quick to turn fans off as was apparent in our group review for the first issue. It's a shame because the creative team (minus Carter because I'm referring solely to the comic industry) is incredible, but they feel held back and that's not fun for a reader. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 22, 2013

    Stellar story with a fantastic, overdue return, though with subpar art. I cannot fathom how these visuals would encourage the curious or new fans into dropping four dollars down. Heartbreaking. Read Full Review

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