Transformers: Deviations #1 (One Shot)
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Transformers: Deviations #1 (One Shot)

Event\Storyline: Deviations Writer: Brandon Easton Artist: Priscilla Tramontano Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
4.7User Rating

In a World... Where OPTIMUS PRIME Never Died! One would stand and one would fall... and we all know OPTIMUS PRIME fell. But how would history have played out if he hadn't? Would the AUTOBOTS have still stood triumphant in their darkest hour... or would UNICRON have reigned supreme?!

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Russ Whiting Mar 16, 2016

    Transformers: Deviations #1 is still worth a look, especially to those who'll derive plenty of enjoyment by comparing and contrasting the subtle nuances between it and the Animated Movie — but I think overall the book would have benefited more if Easton had been given more creative freedom. As it stands, this issue of of Transformers: Deviations could probably be more accurately called Transformers: Slight Alterations. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Mar 15, 2016

    If you're a fan of the animated movie or Transformers in general, you owe it to yourself to pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Mar 20, 2016

    Easton channels his love for Transformers and it shines brilliantly in this alternate universe take on Transformers the Movie. He does a good job with character growth, characterizations and progressing the plot well. The issue is full of surprises and keeps readers at the edge of their seats. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Big Brother Mar 16, 2016

    Big disappointment, and a waste of a premise. Spoiler alert: the "deviation" makes no difference. Why even bother with a What If? scenario if the story still plays out identically to the original? Considering all the different roads that could have been taken, this is massive missed opportunity.

  • 4.5
    Gizmo Dec 13, 2016

    The pace is overly rushed due to the fact that an entire film is being crammed into a one-shot comic. Hot Rod is getting shit on constantly for trying to interfere with the Optimus/Megatron fight, despite how little he was shit on in the movie after he actually caused the death of Optimus. In the end, nothing interesting or drastically different from the movie occurs, so the whole comic feels like a missed opportunity.

  • 4.0
    Joe Mar 23, 2016

    This comic is just plain bad. The "deviation" is just an excuse to put Hot Rod through the wringer and make fun of him. All the characters with the exception of Optimus are turned into massive jerks (Seriously, watch the original movie, they are all nice, understanding Robots) when they have no reason to be. And the worse part is nothing changed, the only difference is that Hot Rod died when he uses the Matrix of Leadership for some reason. Honestly, I think this comic would have been much better if it had had the courage to portray a really screwed up future, it is quite possible that Unicron would of WON if Hot Rod hadn't gotten the Matrix at the juncture that he did, and I feel the comic would of been more interesting if it had portrayed more

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