Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #2

Writer: David Mariotte Artist: Jack Lawrence Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 10, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Wreckers divided! Thunderclash leads the team on an investigation to reveal the true alliances of the other Speedia 500 racers-and discover if any of them are working for the terrorist group, Mayhem! Meanwhile, Circuit, the Wreckers' camerabot, finds himself face-to-face with Security Operations! With Mayhem on the move, which Wrecker won't make it to the starting line?!

  • 8.1
    Comic Watch - Aaron Kleinman Nov 13, 2021

    All in all, issue 2 ofTransformers: Wreckers - Treads & Circuits leaves us off in a bit of a weird place where something major has happened, but there's no real time to take it in...yet. The issue itself is incredibly fun, but feels like it gets dragged down by its place in the story. Read Full Review

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