America's Got Powers #1
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America's Got Powers #1

Writer: Jonathan Ross Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 11, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Welcome to AMERICA'S GOT POWERS! It's the biggest TV show on Earth, where the chance to win fame, fortune and get laid are dangled in front of a generation of super-powered teens. All they have to do is WIN. Who is the fastest, the strongest or the greatest? Who survives? Young Tommy Watt's dreams of being the greatest hero of them all might just be shattered when the greatest show on the planet begins to reveal its dark heart.

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyHancock Apr 18, 2012

    Honestly, I can't do this first issue justice with words. If you like super hero comics, even a little bit, do yourself a favor and pick it up. It's a 6 part miniseries, so it won't even be a lot of work to keep up with. Pick it up. Read it. Love it. Thank me later. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - TaliAdina Apr 15, 2012

    Americas Got Powers also has this gladiator feel to it as there can be only one left standing. The wearing of stars, the fear of the stoners-as the super powered teens are called-and the mention of camps alludes a little bit to the treatment of Jews during World War II. This book was excellent, refreshing, and exciting. I look forward to the second issue which will be released next month May 16th. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Apr 11, 2012

    What a great start to a mini-series! I loved the idea of reality television and super heroes as a comic book, and I think 6 issues is the perfect amount for it. I loved the dialogue from the hosts of the show, and because of this, it really feels like something you'd see on primetime. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Apr 16, 2012

    The Running Man mixed with The Hunger Games & dipped in American Gladiators is a recipe for a very fun new title from the unstoppable force known as Image Comics. This new creator owned title from Jonathan Ross & Bryan Hitch (Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest) has a captivating story and is jam-packed with action & suspense. These are some of Hitch’s best illustrations since his work on The Ultimates, his attention to detail is unsurpassed. I can’t remember being this excited over a comic book, make damn sure you don’t miss this one. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Apr 12, 2012

    I don't know how much more I can rave about this book so I'm going to sum things up here. This creative team astounded me with how well crafted this issue is. This is a book that any new comic fan can pick up and read immediately and see what the comic medium can be. Even though I feared the worst when it was announced, America's Got Talent is not a cheap satirical farce about reality TV. It is an intelligent and poignant look at the world and, being that the first printing has already sold out, all I can recommend is to grab a copy as soon as you see one. You won't get a second chance. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 13, 2012

    I'm not sure where this series is going - there are lots of mysteries set up to explore - but I'll definitely be tuning in for the rest of the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - cgscreamer Apr 19, 2012

    This is a great over-sized opening issue by Ross and Hitch and I'm interested to see where it goes, if you like your big scale action stories you'll enjoy this series and whether you love or hate reality television you'll get a kick out of the creators' take on the concept. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - MrComicBook Apr 12, 2012

    I'm not familiar with Jonathan Ross and his writing, but I want to be. While America's Got Powers #1 doesn't revolutionize comics, it's still fun to read. Ross throws a lot of things at the reader, but never do they feel overwhelmed. Ross frames the story in a way that slowly peels the layers back on the history while also subtly throwing hints at the way the world works. The reader's point of view is used through Tommy, the only person who hasn't received powers in the group of people who have. While it's clear that things won't be the same for Tommy by the way Ross introduces him to us, it's still great to see what happens at the end of the issue. The rest of the characters are given enough time to have the reader figure out who they are. While only superficial, it's nice that Ross quickly establishes these characters to a point where, as a reader, I'm interested to see what happens next.A lot of time is spent on explaining the rules of this world and why we should be invested in it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 11, 2012

    The series co-creator, Bryan Hitch, is probably the perfect artist for this book. Hitch practically invented widescreen comics -- first on The Authority, later with The Ultimates -- so who better to give America's Got Power the big, exciting feel it needs? The action is epic; the panels feel like shots from a movie. Of course, as with all of Hitch's work, if photo referenced characters bother you, you're going to have a bone to pick with this book. I have always found Hitch to be one of the few artists that is able to make characters look like celebrities without making them feel stiff and unnatural. Some people can't get passed that sort of thing, but it's worth your time to try, because there is a great book waiting for you if you do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Leo Johnson Apr 20, 2012

    Overall: A great read, and something that I definitely look forward to picking up next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Neil Rodriguez Apr 12, 2012

    Overall, I would recommend that you give the series a try; it’s a super hero book with a very cool twist, great art. Also, the price point on this book is also very good; forty pages for $2.99 that is not bad at all folks. Hopefully the next issue continues with the intensity that the first issue left off with. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Dave Berg Apr 4, 2012

    What's not to like? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 12, 2012

    America's Got Powers, at its core, is a book made by people who love superheroes, enough that it doesn't matter who fights, as long as somebody does. It's self-indulgent, and far from the most original deconstruction of superhero literature " although maybe it's the most honest. While the new toys in the sandbox might not be memorable, it's the way that Bryan Hitch plays with them that is this book's bread and butter. After all, this is Hitch's world " we're all just living in it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 12, 2012

    Ross offers a pointed and far-from-subtle commentary on the state of Western media culture that's well deserved though a bit obvious. What I enjoyed most about this comic book, though, is how he uses the notion of a small group of super-powered teens as a launching pad for a commentary on racism and class discrimination. Ross shows the audience the super-hero reality show at the heart of this inaugural issue - and by extension, so many other actual reality shows - are about the rich and privileged looking down on little people, dangling a carrot in front of them to get them to dance and fight for their pleasure. At the same time, it also serves as a drug for the masses, to keep them dull and distracted. It's the 21st century's to gladiators, lions and pools of blood. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 13, 2012

    All in all, there's nothing wrong with familiar, especially in television (where one of our primary storytellers made his name) and all the various elements play seamlessly as a well-oiled book. For any complications that come from Hitch's previous work, the action sequences are smooth and dynamic, and the overall effect from reading this title is very pleasant. America's Got Powers #1 is a true elevator pitch ("It's like The Hunger Games meets Heroes!"), but hybridizes well enough, and puts all the various elements together with skill, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I think this title has the potential to transcend the sum of it's parts, and I, for one, hope that it does... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Apr 16, 2012

    This is nice. If you're looking for a unique superhero story with swell art, this might be for you. But, it doesn't look like there's any hint of greatness here and I could do without the attempt to make statements about society's tastes in entertainment. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Apr 12, 2012

    If the book still sounds like it might be up your alley " and I can't blame you; Hitch drawing massive-scale destruction is hard to say no to " I have good news: The first issue of "America's Got Powers" is a great bargain. At $2.99 for a little bit under forty story pages, it's on of the best deals on the shelves this month. Like last month's debut of "Saga," the extra pages allow Jonathan Ross to establish everything needed to make the reader feel well-grounded " a trend that will hopefully catch on more and more in the realm of monthly comic series. On top of that, a 38-page book that costs $2.99 certainly feels like less of a waste than a $3.99, 20-page book if you buy it and don't exactly care for it " which may very well be the case. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Bin - Dan Horn Apr 12, 2012

    Ultimately (no Bryan Hitch pun intended), America's Got Powers doesn't warrant anyone's attention or money, unless one is in the market for eye-roll-inducing sludge. Read Full Review

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