cgscreamer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 22
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1

Mar 22, 2012

Overall, this comic is a dark and gritty story of a dystopic version of the Marvel universe and Lapham looks to world build and bring in other Marvel characters (this issue has a certain swash-buckling blind hero in a new role too). I think Lapham has a long and epic journey in mind and our new characters, regardless of their questionable motivations, have a new, long and exciting journey ahead and I'm definitely along for the ride.

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America's Got Powers #1

Apr 19, 2012

This is a great over-sized opening issue by Ross and Hitch and I'm interested to see where it goes, if you like your big scale action stories you'll enjoy this series and whether you love or hate reality television you'll get a kick out of the creators' take on the concept.

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America's Got Powers #2

Jun 27, 2012

Ross and Hitch continue to deliver in this issue, giving a shock twist and a host of relatable characters with varying motives, as we hit the half way point of the mini, I can't wait to see what they have up their very creative sleeves next!

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Conan the Barbarian #1

Mar 1, 2012

This story is high fantasy and adventure as was rampant in Howard's stories and the American pulp stories of the time. It's fantastic fun and whether I had read the prose story or not I would be anxious to read the next issue and see where it goes next! If you like sword fights, beautiful art and tales on the high seas, get this comic!

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Conan the Barbarian #2

Mar 22, 2012

The story, again, sticks to the original prose quite closely but adapts it to allow for the visual medium for comics. Brian wood uses caption boxes sparingly and keeps dialogue to a minimum because he knows he can let Cloonan do most of the story-telling for this chapter. This issue is a great action packed thriller and if you hadn't read issue 1 you could still read this without much knowledge and get an enjoyable single issue. Three cannot come sooner!

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Fanboys vs. Zombies #1

Jun 27, 2012

Overall, this comic is goofy fun and reminds you why comics were referred to as 'funny books', this light hearted laugh with a farcical idea (including the 'cause of the outbreak') is the kind of bonkers romp that there needs to be more of in modern comics. Just being plain FUN!!

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Alice In Wonderland #1

Jan 29, 2012

This is a fantastic combination of great art and a story with any number of twists, and adventures no t to mention limitless potential. Purists will hate it for diverging wildly from the original but can't help to concede it is all still homage! This could easily be a comic with a high female readership too as the character is relatable and the story fun without being overly masculine (you see, Sandman!).

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Alice In Wonderland #2

Mar 1, 2012

This second issue is a lot of fun and continuing on from the events of the 1st. At it's core, it is of course, high fantasy but Gregory is trying to incorporate other genre elements to craft something as potentially unique as the original novel. My only complaint could be the overuse of pin-up positions for the female characters but still Gill's renditions are stunningly beautiful!

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Hellboy: House Of The Living Dead OGN

Dec 6, 2011

As I said above, comics spend a lot of time being serious so when you get a story like this where it's just two creators on top form having fun, you really appreciate it. This is a stand alone book that could be handed to any fan of old horror films and they'd appreciate as well as long time Hellboy fans and Mignola aficionados. It could just as easily be a stocking filler as an extra large feature of your weekly stack!

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John Carter: The Gods of Mars #1

Mar 22, 2012

This first issue has a very clear goal in mind, the creative team know that most people picking it up will be people who saw the new movie so it wants to introduce these readers (many of whom probably won't be comic and pulp story fans) to the characters, set the stakes and raise them high so as to hook them in fast and take the reader on an action thriller! It achieves this quite well with the only minor complaint is there's no set-up or bad guy introduced, you're just shown a great character in John Carter and generic 'peril' that he has to get out of but this definitely is an homage to the pulp tales of Burroughs' time.

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Orchid #1

Nov 18, 2011

Overall, this is a quality story, it isn't particularly new or ground-breaking but it's alot of fun and I look forward to seeing where Morello and hepburn take it. The pacing isn't too rushed and he doesn't try to cramp loads into each issue which you'd expect for the guy's first attempt at writing and hepburn's art keeps it fun when it needs to be but keeps the mood right!

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Saga #1

Mar 22, 2012

This is a strong start to what looks set to be a big story by 2 creators and a high in their respective careers. Vaughn hooks you in by teasing a series of events to come but leaves you satisfied by delivering the start of a couple's story beautifully. Staples gives your eyes a feast that you'll enjoy looking at again and again without over shadowing the story and it eases the flow of the narrative and the contrasting themes.

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Saga #3

Jun 27, 2012

This comic is rocking along quite well, Vaughan and Staples are slowly world building as they weave a tale that is, essentially, a love story surrounded by a giant space odyssey. In ways, this tale can be described as a space opera and the first act is really letting you know that something big is on the way and to stay on for the ride!

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Steed and Mrs. Peel #1

Mar 1, 2012

The fun of this comic is off the scale! It takes that classic, hip 60"s spy thriller and brings it to life with that off beat quirky British charm that's reminiscent of the John Pertwee error of Doctor Who. I can't wait to see where Morrison takes these characters and what insanity he throws into the mix. If you liked The Invisibles, this has elements of that first volume with the pacing and foreshadowing of Morrison's run on Batman and Robin, carefully bound in a 'cartoonish but dark' packaging of Ian Gibson's fantastic art. My only complaint is that Morrison spent a bit too much time sowing ideas and it could have benefited from a little faster pacing and action for a first issue but still 'In Morrison we trust'

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Steed and Mrs. Peel Vol. 2 #2

Mar 22, 2012

Morrison is known for his collaborative style often doing scripts, sending them to the artist then tweaking the dialogue once he sees the artist's pencils and this comic is clearly benefiting from that. This is a fast paced, humorous tale that combines the spy genre with that Wodehouse-ian sensibilities and the delivery is beautiful. If you aren't reading this, then why not?

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The Activity #1

Jan 29, 2012

Overall, there is the makings of a great book, similar in tone to some of Warren Ellis' spy work and if Edmondson can deliver like he did on Jake Ellis this could be one hell of a good story!

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The Damaged #5

Jan 29, 2012

If I havent sold you on this comic, yet, I dont think I could by now but if you like a well constructed, well paced down and dirty story with some great play in the narrative then this is for you. Im dying to see how it ends in issue #6 and look forward to getting the trade of this so as I can read it as one 3 act story.

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The Manhattan Projects #1

Mar 1, 2012

This comic is fantastic fun and contains so many ideas and seeds that you can't help but be excited for the next issue. I'm gushing fanatically about it because it is that good!

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The Manhattan Projects #2

Apr 19, 2012

I see this as being a long term project with each issue hinting more and more at something sinister going on underneath- Hickman has a huge goal ahead that I can't wait to see unfold.

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The Manhattan Projects #3

Jun 27, 2012

Manhattan Projects has just picked up it's game and raised the stakes beyond what where I thought it was previously going to go, although this is a slower, less action packed issue, the contents of it is important, if not vital, to what I'm guessing Hickman is building towards. I can't wait to see where the next issue goes.

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The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1

Nov 5, 2012

First issues can be very formulaic and predictable, introducing the characters and the bad guys and setting up for what will pretty much happen in the whole series. Waid breaks away from this a little but still uses that equation as his backbone but provides character moments geared more towards fans of Stevens' series but without confusing new readers. This series looks set to be a treat and I can't wait to see what this team do together.

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X-Men (2010) #25

Mar 1, 2012

This is my first foray into Gischler's X-Men and I'm excited, the dialogue is witty, the idea is fun and I can't wait to see where he goes with the twist he pulls out at the end (not going to spoil it, just gonna say 'Smokin' Aces). This comic is darker in tone but still has that classic fun you want from an x-Men book and makes for a great break from the 'Avengers versus X-Men' hype, build-up and foreshadowing.

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