Mini-Series Finale. The end of the road. The incredible and form-defining miniseries comes to a close. As the Viking and Queen finally go to war, the Bear's true purpose emerges.
A thoughtful final chapter that subverts expectations to drive the story's theme home. Read Full Review
This finale definitely isn't what I was expecting. Read Full Review
Great art, but I got absolutely nothing from the writing end.
Uh, what...I had high hopes for this book just based on the title and what, at a glance, looked like cool art. But once I started reading it I realized it just didn't have the chops to meet its potential. The art is actually really messy and ugly. The story is messy and hard to follow. It just doesn't make a lot of sense and doesn't really go anywhere. I was going to drop it after issue 2, but noticed there was only one more book so I figured I'd just finish it off. This issue didn't salvage anything from the previous two train wrecks.